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27 de fevereiro de 2025
26 de fevereiro de 2025
CHUCK BERRY - Rock and Roll Music
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Chuck Berry ou Charles Edward Anderson Berry é um compositor, cantor e guitarrista americano. É apontado por muitos como o inventor do Rock and Roll. Foi um dos primeiros membros do Hall da Fama do Rock and Roll, homeneageado em 1986. Berry foi influenciado por Nat King Cole, Louis Jordan e Muddy Waters, que acabaria o apresentando a Leonard Chess, da gravadora Chess. Enquanto ainda existem controvérsias sobre quem lançou o primeiro disco de rock, as primeiras gravações de Chuck Berry, como “Maybellene”, de 1955, sintetizavam totalmente o formato rock and roll, combinando blues com música country e versos juvenis sobre garotas e carros, com dicção impecável e diferentes solos de guitarra. A maioria de suas gravações mais famosas foram lançadas pela Chess Records, com o pianista Johnnie Johnson, o baixista Willie Dixon e o baterista Fred Below. Juntamente com o guitarrista Berry, eles se tornaram o sumário de uma banda de rock. Durante sua carreira ele gravaria tanto baladas românticas (como “Havana Moon”) quanto blues (“Wee Wee Hours”), mas foi no recém-nascido rock que Berry ganhou sua fama. Ele gravou mais de trinta sucessos a aparecerem no Top Ten, e suas canções ganharam versões de centenas de músicos de blues, country e rock and roll. Entre seus clássicos podemos citar “Roll Over Beethoven”, “Sweet Little Sixteen”, “Route 66”, “Memphis”, “Johnny B. Goode” (que possui provavelmente a mais famosa introdução de guitarra da história do rock), “Nadine”, entre outras. Como exemplo de sua influência profunda, podemos lembrar das bandas inglesas dos anos 60. The Beatles, Animals, Rolings Stones, entre outros, regravaram suas músicas. Os Rolling Stones literalmente basearam seu estilo de tocar rock ‘n’ roll no dele. Chuck viajou em turnê por muitos anos carregando apenas sua guitarra Gibson, confiante no fato de que poderia contratar uma banda que conhecia suas músicas em qualquer lugar que ele fosse. Entre os muitos artistas que serviram de apoio para Berry estiveram Bruce Springsteen e Steve Miller. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Chuck Berry Charles Edward Anderson Berry or is a composer, singer and American guitarist. It is pointed to by many as the inventor of Rock and Roll. Was one of the first members of the Hall of Fame Rock and Roll, homeneageado Berry in 1986 was influenced by Nat King Cole, Louis Jordan and Muddy Waters, who would present the Leonard Chess, of Chess Records. While there is still controversy about who threw the first rock record, the first recordings of Chuck Berry as "Maybellene", 1955, fully synthesized rock and roll format, combining blues with country music and youth verses about girls and cars, with impeccable diction and different guitar solos. The majority of his most famous recordings were released by Chess Records, with pianist Johnnie Johnson, bassist Willie Dixon, and drummer Fred Below. Along with guitarist Berry, they became the summary of a rock band. During his career he would record both ballads (such as "Havana Moon") and blues ("Wee Wee Hours"), but was in the newborn rock that Berry won his fame. He recorded more than thirty hits to appear in the Top Ten, and his songs earned versions of hundreds of musicians of blues, country and rock and roll. Among his classics can cite "Roll Over Beethoven," "Sweet Little Sixteen," "Route 66," "Memphis," "Johnny B. Goode" (which has probably the most famous guitar intro in rock history), "Nadine , "among others. As an example of the profound influence, we can remember the 60s British bands The Beatles, Animals, Rolings Stones, among others, re-recorded his songs. The Rolling Stones literally based their style of playing rock 'n' roll in it. Chuck toured for many years carrying only his Gibson guitar, confident in the fact that I could hire a band that knew their music anywhere he went. Among the many artists that served as support for Berry were Bruce Springsteen and Steve Miller. [Source: wikipedia]
Chuck Berry Charles Edward Anderson Berry or is a composer, singer and American guitarist. It is pointed to by many as the inventor of Rock and Roll. Was one of the first members of the Hall of Fame Rock and Roll, homeneageado Berry in 1986 was influenced by Nat King Cole, Louis Jordan and Muddy Waters, who would present the Leonard Chess, of Chess Records. While there is still controversy about who threw the first rock record, the first recordings of Chuck Berry as "Maybellene", 1955, fully synthesized rock and roll format, combining blues with country music and youth verses about girls and cars, with impeccable diction and different guitar solos. The majority of his most famous recordings were released by Chess Records, with pianist Johnnie Johnson, bassist Willie Dixon, and drummer Fred Below. Along with guitarist Berry, they became the summary of a rock band. During his career he would record both ballads (such as "Havana Moon") and blues ("Wee Wee Hours"), but was in the newborn rock that Berry won his fame. He recorded more than thirty hits to appear in the Top Ten, and his songs earned versions of hundreds of musicians of blues, country and rock and roll. Among his classics can cite "Roll Over Beethoven," "Sweet Little Sixteen," "Route 66," "Memphis," "Johnny B. Goode" (which has probably the most famous guitar intro in rock history), "Nadine , "among others. As an example of the profound influence, we can remember the 60s British bands The Beatles, Animals, Rolings Stones, among others, re-recorded his songs. The Rolling Stones literally based their style of playing rock 'n' roll in it. Chuck toured for many years carrying only his Gibson guitar, confident in the fact that I could hire a band that knew their music anywhere he went. Among the many artists that served as support for Berry were Bruce Springsteen and Steve Miller. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 37 min
25 de fevereiro de 2025
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