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5 de janeiro de 2025
JANE FONDA - Jane Fonda
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Jane Fonda, banda de rock do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Tudo começou nos estúdios, quando Rodrigo BS (vocal), Léo Ventura e Solano Braw (guitarras), e Rogério Pitomba (bateria) se uniram a Jão Saraiva (baixo) para gravar 10 músicas. Este álbum projetou a Jane regionalmente e revelou às rádios hits de excelente aceitação pelo público alternativo. Desde 2002, a banda possui cadeira cativa em vários festivais: duas participações no Festival DoSol, duas no Ceará Music, foi a ganhadora da etapa natalense do Transamérica Semp Toshiba, das etapas nacionais do Circuito Banco do Brasil e do Kaiser Music. Com apresentações marcadas pela qualidade técnica, a Jane Fonda tem recebido sempre boas críticas por parte dos veículos especializados, dentre eles: Revista MTV, Revista Set, Jornal O Globo e Jornal do Brasil. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Jane Fonda, rock band of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. It all started in the studios when Rodrigo BS (vocals), Leo Ventura and Solano Braw (guitars), and Rogério pitomba (drums) joined Jão Saraiva (low) to record 10 songs. This album designed to Jane regionally and revealed to radio hits of excellent acceptance by the alternative crowd. Since 2002, the band has chair captive at various festivals: two appearances in Dosol Festival, two in Ceará Music, was the winner of Natal stage of Transamerica Semp Toshiba, the national stages of the Circuit Bank of Brazil and the Kaiser Music. With performances marked by technical quality, Jane Fonda has always received good reviews by the specialized vehicles, such as: MTV Magazine, Magazine Set, O Globo and Jornal do Brazil. [Source: wikipedia]
Jane Fonda, rock band of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. It all started in the studios when Rodrigo BS (vocals), Leo Ventura and Solano Braw (guitars), and Rogério pitomba (drums) joined Jão Saraiva (low) to record 10 songs. This album designed to Jane regionally and revealed to radio hits of excellent acceptance by the alternative crowd. Since 2002, the band has chair captive at various festivals: two appearances in Dosol Festival, two in Ceará Music, was the winner of Natal stage of Transamerica Semp Toshiba, the national stages of the Circuit Bank of Brazil and the Kaiser Music. With performances marked by technical quality, Jane Fonda has always received good reviews by the specialized vehicles, such as: MTV Magazine, Magazine Set, O Globo and Jornal do Brazil. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 33 min
4 de janeiro de 2025
3 de janeiro de 2025
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