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8 de outubro de 2024
ELECTRO SPECTRE - Dangerous Game
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Electro Spectre é duo um norueguês de música eletrônica formado/em Oslo. A banda é composta por Isak Rypdal (escritor -produtor) e Alexander Björneboe (escritor - cantor). Seu álbum de estréia foi inicialmente lançado em junho de 2009. O álbum mais tarde foi reproduzido e re-lançado em 2010. Em setembro de 2012, a banda lançou seu segundo álbum de estúdio intitulado: Dangerous Game . O álbum é influenciado por uma série de diferentes música eletrônica dos anos oitenta, abrangendo desde Nova synth pop romântico ao mais escura alternativa pop. A banda lançou seu primeiro single " However, love is " em setembro de 2010 , e o vídeo da música rapidamente entrou NRK Svisj com a MTV logo a seguir. A canção "Six Strings of hell" foi em julho de 2009 captado pelo Major Records, Alemanha e lançado em órbita Electro Vol.1. A banda teve a sua estreia ao vivo no festival ElectroStat em outubro de 2010 em Maanefisken, Oslo, e tocou no horário nobre como a última banda no palco antes de headliner Mesh, com resposta maciça do público. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Electro Spectre duo is a Norwegian electronic music composed / Oslo. The band consists of Isak Rypdal (writer -producer ) and Alexander Bjørneboe (writer - singer) . Her debut album was initially released in June 2009. The album was later reproduced and re - released in 2010. In September 2012, the band released their second studio album titled Dangerous Game. The album is influenced by a number of different electronic music of the eighties , covering romantic synth pop from the New darker alternative pop. The band released their first single " However, love is " in September 2010, and the music video quickly went NRK Svisj with the MTV logo below. The song " Six Strings of hell" was captured in July 2009 by Major Records, Germany and launched into orbit Electro Vol.1. The band had its live debut in ElectroStat festival in October 2010 in Maanefisken , Oslo, and played in prime time as the last band on stage before headliner Mesh, with massive public response. [ Source : wikipedia ]
Electro Spectre duo is a Norwegian electronic music composed / Oslo. The band consists of Isak Rypdal (writer -producer ) and Alexander Bjørneboe (writer - singer) . Her debut album was initially released in June 2009. The album was later reproduced and re - released in 2010. In September 2012, the band released their second studio album titled Dangerous Game. The album is influenced by a number of different electronic music of the eighties , covering romantic synth pop from the New darker alternative pop. The band released their first single " However, love is " in September 2010, and the music video quickly went NRK Svisj with the MTV logo below. The song " Six Strings of hell" was captured in July 2009 by Major Records, Germany and launched into orbit Electro Vol.1. The band had its live debut in ElectroStat festival in October 2010 in Maanefisken , Oslo, and played in prime time as the last band on stage before headliner Mesh, with massive public response. [ Source : wikipedia ]
Total Time: 58 min
7 de outubro de 2024
EVANS BLUE - The Melody And The Energetic Nature Of Volume
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Evans Blue é uma banda de rock alternativo formada em Toronto, Ontario, Canada fundada em 2005. O Evans Blue se reuniu no início de 2005. O vocalista Kevin Matisyn sugeriu o nome, que remete para o corante que é injetado na corrente sangüínea para medir o volume de sangue, que ele havia lido em um de seus livros de medicina. . A banda, em seguida, chamou a atenção do produtor Trevor Kustiak e seu parceiro Mari Dew, da Pocket Studios. Eles gravaram três músicas demo, intituladas Black Hole, Saturnalia e Starlight, que ficaram disponíveis na sua página pessoal no MySpace. Naquele tempo, as atualizações sobre o progresso da banda, eram periodicamente enviadas através dos blogs MySpace, pelo ex-vocalista, Kevin Matisyn. Em fevereiro de 2009 Dan Chandler foi anunciado como substituto Matisyn para os vocais do Evans Blue. [Fonte: lastfm]
Evans Blue is an alternative rock band formed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada founded in 2005. Evans Blue met in early 2005. Vocalist Kevin Matisyn suggested the name, which refers to the dye that is injected into the bloodstream to measure the volume of blood, which he had read in one of his medical books. . The band then caught the attention of producer Trevor Kustiak and his partner Mari Dew, Pocket Studios. They recorded three demo songs, titled Black Hole, Saturnalia and Starlight, which became available in his personal MySpace page. At that time, the updates on the progress of the band, were periodically sent through MySpace blogs, the former lead singer, Kevin Matisyn. In February 2009 Dan Chandler was announced as Matisyn substitute for the vocals of Evans Blue. [Source: lastfm]
Total Time: 46 min
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