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24 de agosto de 2023
23 de agosto de 2023
ROBERT JOHNSON - Martin Scorsese Presents The Blues
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Johnson nasceu em Hazlehurst, Mississippi, mas sua data de nascimento oficialmente aceita, provavelmente está errada. Registros existentes (documentos escolares, certidões de casamento e certidão de óbito) sugerem diferentes datas, entre 1909 e 1912, embora nenhum contenha a data de 1911. Robert Johnson gravou apenas 29 músicas em um total de 40 faixas, em duas sessões de gravação em San Antonio, Texas, em Novembro de 1936 e em Dallas, Texas, em Junho de 1937. Treze músicas foram gravadas 2 vezes e suas músicas continuam sendo interpretadas e adaptadas por diversos artistas e bandas, como Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, The Blues Brothers, Red Hot Chili Peppers e The White Stripes. Apesar do seu estilo, muito peculiar do Delta Blues e o padrão técnico das gravações de sua época muito distantes dos padrões estéticos e técnicos de hoje, Robert Johnson é frequentemente citado como "o maior cantor de blues de todos os tempos", e até mesmo como o mais importante músico do Século XX. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Johnson was born in Hazlehurst, Mississippi, but his birthdate officially accepted, is probably wrong. existing records (school documents, marriage certificates and death certificates) suggest different dates between 1909 and 1912, although none bearing the date 1911. Robert Johnson recorded only 29 songs in a total of 40 tracks in two recording sessions San Antonio, Texas, in November 1936 and in Dallas, Texas, in June 1937. Thirteen songs were recorded and 2 times their songs are still interpreted and adapted by various artists and bands such as Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, the Rolling Stones , The Blues Brothers, Red Hot Chili Peppers and The White Stripes. Despite its style, very peculiar Delta Blues and the technical standard of the very distant from his time recordings of aesthetic standards and today's technical, Robert Johnson is often cited as "the greatest blues singer of all time," and even as the most important musician of the twentieth century. [Source: Wikipedia]
Total Time: 43 min
Bitrate 256 kbps
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Bitrate 256 kbps
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O pai dos irmãos goianos sempre gostou de viola e de reunir amigos para tocar e cantar em casa. Cresceram tendo a música sertaneja como referência e, é claro, sabem dar o devido valor a quem começou esta história. Por isso, selecionaram as principais músicas do nosso cancioneiro e chamaram para junto deles os grandes nomes da moda sertaneja como Tião Carreiro e Pardinho e Tonico e Tinoco dentre outros, para a dupla cantar estas canções foi sensacional. Em 2011, reuniram isso tudo e gravaram o CD e DVD Só Modão que também foi lançado agora como projeto e não trabalho de carreira, tem como convidados como João Carreiro e Capataz, Eduardo Costa, Fernando e Sorocaba e Gil (pai da dupla) que toparam a empreitada e dividiram o palco com João Neto e Frederico. Com estes dois trabalhos no mercado, João Neto e Frederico poderam afirmar que amadureceram. A apresentação ao público pode-se dizer que aconteceu há sete anos com “Pega Fogo Cabaré”, uma música que representa como nenhuma outra o sertanejo universitário, justamente com esta canção e outras duas que foram grandes sucessos, “Pura Magia” e “Só de Você”. Mesmo tão novos e ainda com toda estrada pela frente, podemos dizer que o veterinário João Neto e o engenheiro agrônomo Frederico não podem se arrepender de ter trocado suas profissões pela música porque com certeza já construíram uma história de sucesso. [Fonte:siteoficial]
The father of Goiás brothers always liked viola and friends gather to play and sing at home. Grew with the country music as a reference and, of course, know how to give due weight to those who started this story. Therefore, the main selected songs from our repertoire and called them together for the big names of country fashion as Tiao Carreiro and Pardinho and Tonic and Tinoco among others, for the dual singing these songs was phenomenal. In 2011, it all gathered and recorded the CD and DVD Only Modao which has now also been released as a project and not working career, is invited as Carreiro and John Foreman, Eduardo Costa, Fernando e Sorocaba and Gil (father of twin) stumbled into the venture and shared the stage with João Neto Frederico. With these two works in the market, João Neto Frederico, can they say that matured. The presentation to the public can say what happened seven years ago with "Cabaret Catch Fire", a song that is like no other university backcountry precisely with this song and two others that were big hits, "Pure Magic" and "Only of You. "Even as new and with all the road ahead, we can say that the veterinary Neto and João Frederico agronomist may not regret having exchanged their professions because the music has surely built a success story. [Source: siteoficial]
The father of Goiás brothers always liked viola and friends gather to play and sing at home. Grew with the country music as a reference and, of course, know how to give due weight to those who started this story. Therefore, the main selected songs from our repertoire and called them together for the big names of country fashion as Tiao Carreiro and Pardinho and Tonic and Tinoco among others, for the dual singing these songs was phenomenal. In 2011, it all gathered and recorded the CD and DVD Only Modao which has now also been released as a project and not working career, is invited as Carreiro and John Foreman, Eduardo Costa, Fernando e Sorocaba and Gil (father of twin) stumbled into the venture and shared the stage with João Neto Frederico. With these two works in the market, João Neto Frederico, can they say that matured. The presentation to the public can say what happened seven years ago with "Cabaret Catch Fire", a song that is like no other university backcountry precisely with this song and two others that were big hits, "Pure Magic" and "Only of You. "Even as new and with all the road ahead, we can say that the veterinary Neto and João Frederico agronomist may not regret having exchanged their professions because the music has surely built a success story. [Source: siteoficial]
Total Time: 45 min
22 de agosto de 2023
21 de agosto de 2023
CODÓ - Coisas da Minha Terra
(Música Popular Brasileira)
Bitrate 256 kbps
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Bitrate 256 kbps
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Baiano da cidadezinha da Cairu de Salinas das Margaridas, aprendeu a tocar violão pelo método prático de Canhoto, ainda na infância, e começou a compor nos anos 30. Por toda a vida usou o primeiro violão que ganhou do pai, aos 9 anos. Antes de decidir-se pela música, foi pescador, lavrador e comerciante. Como violonista, tornou-se conhecido no interior do estado e em 1938 foi para Salvador, onde já desfrutava de alguma fama. Lá, trabalhou no rádio, acompanhando grandes estrelas como Silvio Caldas, Nora Ney e Dircinha Batista quando iam à Bahia. Sua primeira música gravada foi "Iaiá da Bahia", por Araci Costa em 1951. Na década de 60 mudou-se para o Rio de Janeiro. O primeiro dos seis LPs que gravou é de 1963, com músicas cantadas e instrumentais, incluindo solos de violão e acompanhamentos de conjunto regional. Outras composições de sua autoria que se tornaram conhecidas foram "Zum Zum", na voz de Vanja Orico, "Taiti", na interpretação de Rosinha de Valença, e "Tin-don-don" (parceria com João Melo), gravada por Jorge Ben em 1964 com sucesso, e regravada dois anos depois por Sergio Mendes. Codó foi também compositor de choros, como "Bole-bole", "Quadradinho" e "Boladinho". Bastante respeitado no meio artístico, foi homenageado por Baden Powell na música "Um Abraço no Codó". [Fonte: cliquemusic]
The Bahian town of Salinas Cairu of Daisies, learned to play guitar by practical method of Lefty, even in childhood, and began composing in the 30s throughout my life used the first guitar that his father gave him, at age 9. Before deciding if the music was a fisherman, a farmer and merchant. As a guitarist, became known in the state and in 1938 went to Salvador, which already enjoyed some fame. There, he worked in radio, watching big stars like Silvio Caldas, Nora Ney and Dircinha when Batista went to Bahia. His first recorded song was "Missy da Bahia" by Araci Coast in 1951 In the 60s he moved to Rio de Janeiro. The first of the six LPs recorded is 1963, with sung and instrumental music, including guitar solos and accompaniments regional assembly. Other compositions of his own that became known were "Zum Zum", voiced by Vanja Orico, "Tahiti", the interpretation of Rosie of Valenca, and "Tin-don-don" (partnership with John Melo), engraved by Jorge Ben successfully in 1964, and two years later re-recorded by Sergio Mendes. Codo was also a composer of cries such as "Bole-bole", "SQUARE" and "boladinho". Well respected in the art world, was honored by Baden Powell in the song "Hug A in Codo". [Source: ABM]
The Bahian town of Salinas Cairu of Daisies, learned to play guitar by practical method of Lefty, even in childhood, and began composing in the 30s throughout my life used the first guitar that his father gave him, at age 9. Before deciding if the music was a fisherman, a farmer and merchant. As a guitarist, became known in the state and in 1938 went to Salvador, which already enjoyed some fame. There, he worked in radio, watching big stars like Silvio Caldas, Nora Ney and Dircinha when Batista went to Bahia. His first recorded song was "Missy da Bahia" by Araci Coast in 1951 In the 60s he moved to Rio de Janeiro. The first of the six LPs recorded is 1963, with sung and instrumental music, including guitar solos and accompaniments regional assembly. Other compositions of his own that became known were "Zum Zum", voiced by Vanja Orico, "Tahiti", the interpretation of Rosie of Valenca, and "Tin-don-don" (partnership with John Melo), engraved by Jorge Ben successfully in 1964, and two years later re-recorded by Sergio Mendes. Codo was also a composer of cries such as "Bole-bole", "SQUARE" and "boladinho". Well respected in the art world, was honored by Baden Powell in the song "Hug A in Codo". [Source: ABM]
Total Time: 38 min
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