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7 de fevereiro de 2022
BLIND BOY FULLER - Get Your Yas Yas Out
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Blind Boy Fuller [1907-1941 ) foi um guitarrista de blues americano e vocalista. Ele foi um dos mais populares dos registrados artistas de blues da Piemonte com Black Americans, um grupo que também incluía Blind Blake, Josh White e Buddy Moss. De uma família de 10 filhos, depois da morte de sua mãe, se mudou com seu pai para Rockingham. Como um menino que aprendeu a tocar violão e também aprendeu com os cantores mais velhos, os gritos do campo e canções tradicionais e de blues populares em áreas pobres e rurais. Casou-se com Cora Allen jovem e trabalhou como operário, mas começou a perder a visão em sua adolescência. Segundo o pesquisador Bruce Bastin , " Enquanto ele estava morando em Rockingham , ele começou a ter problemas com seus olhos. Ele foi ver um médico em Charlotte que supostamente lhe disse que ele tinha úlceras por trás de seus olhos, o dano original foi causada por algum forma de neve - cegueira " . Apenas a primeira parte deste diagnóstico foi correto . Um exame oftalmológico 1937 atribuiu sua perda de visão para os efeitos a longo prazo da conjuntivite neonatal não tratada. Em 1928 ele estava completamente cego, e virou-se para qualquer emprego que conseguiu encontrar como cantor e artista, muitas vezes tocando nas ruas. Allen (Fuller) tornou-se um guitarrista formidável , tocando nas esquinas e em festas em Winston-Salem, Carolina do Norte, Danville, VA, e depois Durham , Carolina do Norte. Em Durham , tocando em torno dos armazéns de tabaco , ele desenvolveu um local na sequência que incluiu guitarristas do Conselho Floyd e Richard Trice , bem como gaitista Saunders Terrell , mais conhecido como Sonny Terry , e seu washboard / guitarrist George Washington. Fuller foi submetido a uma cistostomia suprapúbica em julho de 1940 (provavelmente um resultado de excesso de bebida ) , mas continuou a necessitar de tratamento médico . Ele morreu em sua casa em Durham, Carolina do Norte em 13 de fevereiro de 1941 às 5:00. Os exames detectaram uma infecção da bexiga, trato gastrointestinal e períneo , além de insuficiência renal. Fuller Ele era tão popular quando morreu que seu amigo Brownie McGhee gravou " The Death of Blind Boy Fuller " para a gravadora Very Well e então relutantemente começou uma carreira de curta duração como Blind Boy Fuller No. 2, de modo que a Columbia Records poderia lucrar com sua popularidade. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Blind Boy Fuller [ 1907-1941) was a American blues guitarist and vocalist . He was one of the most popular of the recorded Piedmont blues artists with Black Americans , a group that also included Blind Blake , Josh White , and Buddy Moss . From a family of 10 children , after the death of his mother , moved with his father to Rockingham . As a boy he learned to play the guitar and also learned from older singers , the cries of the field and traditional songs and blues popular in poor, rural areas . He married Cora Allen young and worked as a laborer , but began to lose vision in his teens . According to researcher Bruce Bastin , " While he was living in Rockingham he began to have problems with their eyes . He went to see a doctor in Charlotte who allegedly told him that he had ulcers behind his eyes , the original damage was caused by some form of snow - blindness " . Only the first part of this diagnosis was correct. An eye examination in 1937 attributed his loss of vision for the long-term effects of untreated neonatal conjunctivitis. In 1928 he was completely blind , and turned to whatever employment he could find as a singer and entertainer , often playing in the streets . Allen ( Fuller ) became a formidable guitarist, playing on street corners and at parties in Winston - Salem , North Carolina , Danville , VA , and then Durham , North Carolina . In Durham , playing around the tobacco warehouses , he developed a local following which included guitarists Floyd Council and Richard Trice , as well as harmonica player Saunders Terrell , better known as Sonny Terry , and his washboard / guitarist George Washington . Fuller underwent suprapubic cystostomy in July 1940 ( probably a result of excessive drinking ) , but continued to require medical treatment . He died at his home in Durham , North Carolina on February 13, 1941 at 5:00 . The tests detected a bladder infection , gastrointestinal tract and perineum , plus kidney failure . Fuller He was so popular that when he died his friend Brownie McGhee recorded "The Death of Blind Boy Fuller " Very Well for the record and then reluctantly began a short career as Blind Boy Fuller No. 2 so that Columbia Records could profit from its popularity . [ Source : wikipedia ]
Blind Boy Fuller [ 1907-1941) was a American blues guitarist and vocalist . He was one of the most popular of the recorded Piedmont blues artists with Black Americans , a group that also included Blind Blake , Josh White , and Buddy Moss . From a family of 10 children , after the death of his mother , moved with his father to Rockingham . As a boy he learned to play the guitar and also learned from older singers , the cries of the field and traditional songs and blues popular in poor, rural areas . He married Cora Allen young and worked as a laborer , but began to lose vision in his teens . According to researcher Bruce Bastin , " While he was living in Rockingham he began to have problems with their eyes . He went to see a doctor in Charlotte who allegedly told him that he had ulcers behind his eyes , the original damage was caused by some form of snow - blindness " . Only the first part of this diagnosis was correct. An eye examination in 1937 attributed his loss of vision for the long-term effects of untreated neonatal conjunctivitis. In 1928 he was completely blind , and turned to whatever employment he could find as a singer and entertainer , often playing in the streets . Allen ( Fuller ) became a formidable guitarist, playing on street corners and at parties in Winston - Salem , North Carolina , Danville , VA , and then Durham , North Carolina . In Durham , playing around the tobacco warehouses , he developed a local following which included guitarists Floyd Council and Richard Trice , as well as harmonica player Saunders Terrell , better known as Sonny Terry , and his washboard / guitarist George Washington . Fuller underwent suprapubic cystostomy in July 1940 ( probably a result of excessive drinking ) , but continued to require medical treatment . He died at his home in Durham , North Carolina on February 13, 1941 at 5:00 . The tests detected a bladder infection , gastrointestinal tract and perineum , plus kidney failure . Fuller He was so popular that when he died his friend Brownie McGhee recorded "The Death of Blind Boy Fuller " Very Well for the record and then reluctantly began a short career as Blind Boy Fuller No. 2 so that Columbia Records could profit from its popularity . [ Source : wikipedia ]
Total Time: 63 min
IRON GLOVE - Break The Chains
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"Iron Glove" é uma banda de heavy metal clássico, combina com influências modernas os roqueiros da velha escola e do público mais jovem. Suas canções refletem os cinco estilos individuais de músicos e, ao mesmo tempo seguindo-se o legado de mestres de renome em seu gênero. Iron Glove elevam o entusiasmo do público principalmente no palco e já estão em demanda para participar de vários festivais internacionais como Corvo / Inglaterra, Lord Bishop / EUA, Tim "Ripper" Owens / EUA. Empurrado por seu sucesso ao tocar ao vivo e em todo o seu feedback positivo sobre o seu EP "Unleash The Demo", que foi publicado em 2009 a banda passou cerca de perpetuar seu trabalho anterior em uma longplayer produzidos profissionalmente em 2011. Em colaboração com o produtor Martin Schmitt (Toninfusion / Ulm / Straubing) os cinco músicos conseguiu fazer seu som único novamente mais perfeito. Agora a banda orgulhosamente apresenta o seu álbum de estreia, "Break the Chains". Comemorando seu próprio trabalho com seus riffs de guitarra de condução, melodias cativantes, um rock rebelde 'n' atitude rolo e por último mas não menos importante, suas baladas sensíveis. Sendo uma obra tão multifacetada, com um valor alto reconhecimento deste álbum está prestes a tornar-se uma jóia na coleção de cada headbanger experiente e não vai sair de sua cabeça, mesmo se você é um fã de metal obstinado ou não. No entanto, antes de o álbum ter sido lançado a banda teve que participar com seu baterista anterior Dennis Swietza e o baixista Christian Danke que tinha feito as gravações para o álbum por motivos de organização. Em Armin Spengler e Klaus Mohn eles rapidamente encontrou substitutos dignos com quem eles estão finalmente capaz de colocar o pedal ao metal agora. [Fonte: ironglove]
"Iron Glove" is a classic heavy metal band, combines with modern influences the old school rockers and younger audience. His songs reflect the five individual styles of musicians and at the same time following the legacy of renowned masters in their genre. Iron Glove raise the enthusiasm of the audience mainly on stage and are already in demand to participate in various international festivals such as Raven / England, Lord Bishop / USA, Tim "Ripper" Owens / USA. Pushed by its success to play live and all your positive feedback about your EP "Unleash The Demo", which was published in 2009 the band spent about perpetuating his previous work on a longplayer professionally produced in 2011. In collaboration with producer Martin Schmitt (Toninfusion / Ulm / Straubing) the five musicians managed to make their unique sound again perfect. Now the band proudly presents its debut album, "Break the Chains". Celebrating their own work with your driving guitar riffs, catchy melodies, a rebellious rock 'n' roll attitude and last but not least, your sensitive ballads. Being such a multifaceted work, with a high recognition value of this album is about to become a jewel in the collection of every experienced headbanger and will not leave your head, even if you're a diehard fan or not metal. However, before the album was released the band had to part with their previous drummer Dennis Swietza and bassist Christian Danke that had made the recordings for the album due to organizational reasons. In Armin Spengler and Klaus Mohn they quickly found worthy replacements with whom they are finally able to put the pedal to the metal now. [Source: ironglove]
Total Time: 65 min
ELECTRO HIPPIES - Play Fast or Die
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Electro Hippies foi uma banda inglesa formada em 1985 em Wigan, e foi uma das primeiras bandas de crust punk/grindcore. O baterista Simon e o baixista Bruno tinham a intenção de tocar um hardcore punk rápido e agressivo, com influências de heavy metal. Logo, se juntaram a eles os guitarristas Andy e Phil e o vocalista Kate. Sua estréia foi em Liverpool ainda no ano de 1985. Pouco tempo depois, Kate foi para os Estados Unidos e Phil também saiu da banda. Em 1986, Phil voltou para a banda e Jeff Walker assumiu os vocais. Porém, novamente Phil saiu da banda. Gravaram então a primeira demo-tape Killing Babies is Tight e logo em seguida, um split que eles mesmo produziram, com a banda Genetic. Bruno e Jeff saíram da banda no final de 1986, Jeff foi para a banda Carcass. Dom entrou no baixo, Simon foi para a bateria e Andy, na época guitarrista, passou para os vocais. Em janeiro de 1987 gravaram a segunda demo-tape Killing Babies for Profit e fizeram vários shows pela Europa. No fim de 1987 gravaram o LP The Only Good Punk pela Peaceville Records. No começo de 1988, Simon saiu da banda e Whitey tomou o seu lugar na bateria. Em 1989, lançaram o 12" EP Play Fast or Die, uma reedição do seu slipt com Genetic. Em abril do mesmo ano, eles fizeram o último show no Planet X de Liverpool e logo após, a banda acabou. Apesar da carreira curta, a banda influenciou diversas bandas de crust punk, hardcore punk e grindcore que se formaram posteriormente.
Electro Hippies was an English band formed in 1985 in Wigan, and was one of the first bands of crust punk / grindcore. Simon drummer and bassist Bruno had intended to play a fast and aggressive hardcore punk with influences from heavy metal. Soon, they were joined by guitarists Andy and Phil and vocalist Kate. His debut was in Liverpool back in the year 1985. Soon after, Kate went to the United States and Phil also left the band. In 1986, Phil returned to the band and Jeff Walker took over the vocals. But again Phil left the band. Then recorded the first demo Killing Babies is Tight and soon after, a split that they produced themselves, with the Genetic band. Bruno and Jeff left the band in late 1986, Jeff went to Carcass band. Don joined on bass, Simon went to the battery and Andy, guitarist in time, went to the vocals. In January 1987 recorded the second demo-tape Killing Babies for Profit and did several shows in Europe. At the end of 1987 recorded the LP The Only Good Punk via Peaceville Records. In early 1988, Simon left the band and Whitey took his place on drums. In 1989, they released the 12 "EP Play Fast or Die, a reissue of their slipt with Genetic. In April of that year, they did the last show at Planet X Liverpool and soon after, the band broke up. Despite the short career, the band has influenced many bands of crust punk, hardcore punk and grindcore that formed later.
Total Time: 16 min
ALBERT KING - Truckload of Lovin' [Recommended]
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Um dos “Três Kings” da guitarra Blues (junto com B.B. King e Freddie King), ele possuía uma figura imponente de 1,93m de altura e 118 kg. Nasceu Albert Nelson em uma família humilde em Indianola, Mississipi, em uma plantação de algodão onde trabalhou na sua juventude. Uma de suas primeiras influências musicais foi o pai, Will Nelson, que tocava guitarra. Durante sua infância, ele também cantava gospel em uma igreja local. Albert começou sua carreira profissional em um grupo chamado In the Groove Boys, em Osceola, Arkansas. Seu primeiro sucesso foi “I’m A Lonely Man”, lançado em 1959. Entretanto, foi apenas em 1961 com o lançamento de “Don’t Throw Your Love On Me So Strong” que seu nome tornou-se conhecido. Em 1966 King assinou contrato com a famosa gravadora Stax Records, e em 1967 lançou seu lendário álbum Born Under A Bad Sign. Em 1968 ele foi contratado por Bill Graham para abrir os shows de John Mayall e Jimi Hendrix no Fillmore West, em San Francisco. A platéia logo descobriu de onde vinha a pegada blues de Mayall e Hendrix. Albert King era canhoto e tocava uma guitarra Gibson Flying V virada de forma que as cordas graves ficavam para baixo. King usava suas próprias afinações estranhas, sobre as quais ainda há controvérsia. Um guitarrista com estilo “menos é mais”, King era conhecido por conseguir tirar de uma única nota mais sentimento do que a maioria dos guitarristas conseguia de 1000. Albert King influenciou milhares de guitarristas, incluindo músicos famosos como Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Mike Bloomfield, Stevie Ray Vaughan e Gary Moore. O solo de Eric Clapton na música “Strange Brew” (Cream, 1968) é uma cópia nota-a-nota do solo de King na música “Pretty Woman”. Albert King morreu em 21 de Dezembro de 1992, vítima de um ataque cardíaco em Memphis, Tennessee. [Fonte: wikipedia]
One of the "Three Kings" Blues guitar (along with BB King and Freddie King), he had an imposing figure of 1.93 tall and 118 pounds. He was born Albert Nelson in a humble family in Indianola, Mississippi, on a cotton plantation where he worked in his youth. One of his earliest musical influences were his father, Will Nelson, who played guitar. During his childhood, he also sang gospel in a local church. Albert began his professional career in a group called In the Groove Boys, in Osceola, Arkansas. His first hit was "I'm A Lonely Man", released in 1959. However, it was only in 1961 with the release of "Do not Throw Your Love On Me So Strong" that his name became known. In 1966 King signed the famous record label Stax Records, and in 1967 released his legendary album Born Under A Bad Sign. In 1968 he was hired by Bill Graham to open the concerts of John Mayall and Jimi Hendrix at the Fillmore West in San Francisco. The audience soon found out where it came from the blues footprint Mayall and Hendrix. Albert King was left-handed and played a Gibson Flying V guitar turned so that the bass strings were down. King used his own strange tunings, on which there is still controversy. A guitarist with style "less is more", King was known to be able to take a single note more sense than most guitarists could of 1000. Albert King influenced thousands of guitarists, including famous musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Mike Bloomfield, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Gary Moore. The soil Eric Clapton on the song "Strange Brew" (Cream, 1968) is a copy note-for-note King of soil in the song "Pretty Woman". Albert King died on December 21, 1992, the victim of a heart attack in Memphis, Tennessee. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 40min
5 de fevereiro de 2022
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