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7 de novembro de 2021
6 de novembro de 2021
4 de novembro de 2021
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Kiss of the Messiah é uma banda de power metal, cujos membros são de Dinslaken, New York City, e Nottingham. O nome em Inglês significa "O beijo do Messias." Os dois membros Jason Banks e Wayne Bancos são irmãos. Kiss of the Messiah é caracterizada por muito tradicional Power Metal, que é reforçada pelo ritmo acelerado de Georg Kraft e Eckhard Ostra. Portanto, o estilo da banda vai para speed metal. Influenciado pela banda de speed metal alemão Helloween são reconhecidos. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Kiss of the Messiah is a power metal band, whose members are Dinslaken, New York City, and Nottingham. The name in English means "The Kiss of the Messiah." The two members Jason Banks Banks and Wayne are brothers. Kiss of the Messiah is characterized by very traditional Power Metal, which is reinforced by the rapid pace of Georg Kraft and Eckhard Ostra. Therefore, the style of speed metal band goes. Influenced by the German speed metal band Helloween are recognized. [Source: wikipedia]
Kiss of the Messiah is a power metal band, whose members are Dinslaken, New York City, and Nottingham. The name in English means "The Kiss of the Messiah." The two members Jason Banks Banks and Wayne are brothers. Kiss of the Messiah is characterized by very traditional Power Metal, which is reinforced by the rapid pace of Georg Kraft and Eckhard Ostra. Therefore, the style of speed metal band goes. Influenced by the German speed metal band Helloween are recognized. [Source: wikipedia]
2 de novembro de 2021
CHARLIE BROWN JR - Nadando Com Os Tubarões
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O nome do grupo veio de uma batida de carro de Chorão (Líder da Banda), em que ele atropelou uma barraca de coco chamada Charlie Brown. Por volta de 1993, já com esta formação da banda, eles começaram a tocar no circuito underground de Santos e São Paulo e a fazer shows em vários eventos de skate. Gravaram algumas fitas demo, até que uma delas fitas foi parar na mão de Tadeu Patola. O álbum de estréia, Transpiração Contínua Prolongada, foi produzido por Tadeu Patola, vocalista e guitarrista da banda Lagoa, e Rick Bonadio, produtor dos Mamonas Assassinas, e vendeu meio milhão de cópias. O rock que fazem é influenciado por bandas como Madness, Suicidal Tendencies e algumas mais atuais como Mighty Mighty Bosstones. O som do Charlie Brown Jr. mistura hardcore com ska e funk. Em 2002, a banda lança o album “Bocas Ordinárias” com o repertório de canções retornando ao skate-rock, que caracterizou o som da banda desde o início. Destacam-se as faixas "Papo Reto", "Bocas Ordinárias, Guerilhas" e "Somos Poucos Mas Somos Loucos". O álbum “Acústico MTV - Charlie Brown Jr.” é lançado em 2003. No repertório algumas gravações como: "Samba Makossa" (Chico Science), com participação especial de Marcelo D2, "Hoje" (Marcelo Nova), com participação do artista e "Oba Lá Vem Ela" (Jorge Benjor), além das inéditas, "Vícios E Virtudes", "Não Uso Sapato". Após mais de 2 milhões de álbuns vendidos o Charlie Brown Jr. lança em 2005, o DVD “Skate Vibration”. O trabalho passeia do rock pesado à melodia, do rap e reggae ao blues.[Fonte: cliquemusic]
The name of the group came from a Chorão of car crash (Leader of the Band), where he hit a coconut stall called Charlie Brown. By 1993, already with this line-up, they started playing in the underground circuit Santos and Sao Paulo and doing shows in various skating events. They recorded some demo tapes, until one of them tapes ended up in the hands of Tadeu Patola. The debut album, sweating Continuous Prolonged, was produced by Tadeu Patola, vocalist and guitarist Lagoon, and Rick Bonadio, producer Snuff, and sold half a million copies. The rock they do is influenced by bands like Madness, Suicidal Tendencies and some more current as Mighty Mighty Bosstones. The sound of Charlie Brown Jr. mix hardcore with ska and funk. In 2002, the band released the album "Common Bocas" with the repertoire of songs returning to the skate-rock, which featured the band's sound from the beginning. There are the tracks "Papo Reto", "Bocas Common, guerrillas" and "We are few but we are Crazy." The album "MTV Unplugged - Charlie Brown Jr." is released in 2003. The repertoire includes some recordings like "Samba Makossa" (Chico Science), with special participation of Marcelo D2, "Today" (Marcelo Nova), with artist participation and "Here Comes Oba She" (Jorge Benjor), plus unreleased, "Vices And Virtues," "Do not Use Shoe". After more than 2 million albums sold Charlie Brown Jr. launches in 2005, the DVD "Skate Vibration". The work wanders from heavy rock to the melody, rap and reggae to blues [Source: ABM].
The name of the group came from a Chorão of car crash (Leader of the Band), where he hit a coconut stall called Charlie Brown. By 1993, already with this line-up, they started playing in the underground circuit Santos and Sao Paulo and doing shows in various skating events. They recorded some demo tapes, until one of them tapes ended up in the hands of Tadeu Patola. The debut album, sweating Continuous Prolonged, was produced by Tadeu Patola, vocalist and guitarist Lagoon, and Rick Bonadio, producer Snuff, and sold half a million copies. The rock they do is influenced by bands like Madness, Suicidal Tendencies and some more current as Mighty Mighty Bosstones. The sound of Charlie Brown Jr. mix hardcore with ska and funk. In 2002, the band released the album "Common Bocas" with the repertoire of songs returning to the skate-rock, which featured the band's sound from the beginning. There are the tracks "Papo Reto", "Bocas Common, guerrillas" and "We are few but we are Crazy." The album "MTV Unplugged - Charlie Brown Jr." is released in 2003. The repertoire includes some recordings like "Samba Makossa" (Chico Science), with special participation of Marcelo D2, "Today" (Marcelo Nova), with artist participation and "Here Comes Oba She" (Jorge Benjor), plus unreleased, "Vices And Virtues," "Do not Use Shoe". After more than 2 million albums sold Charlie Brown Jr. launches in 2005, the DVD "Skate Vibration". The work wanders from heavy rock to the melody, rap and reggae to blues [Source: ABM].
Total Time: 56 min
Bitrate 256 kbps
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Formada em 1994 e com influência de hardcore, a banda Baba Cósmica produzia suas canções com letras bem humoradas, que agitassem que as escutassem. Tinha em sua formação três adolescentes, com idade entre 16 e 18 anos: Pedro Knoedt - guitarra, vocal; Felipe Knoblich - baixo; Rafael Ramos - bateria. Durante dois anos praticamente só ensaiaram e gravaram fitas demo, além de se apresentarem em pequenos shows. Até que em seu caminho apareceu a beatlemania brasileira dos anos 90: Mamonas Assassinas. Dinho e cia. levaram uma fita demo para a EMI. João Augusto, diretor artístico da gravadora e pai de Rafael (que ouviu a fita e implorou para o pai gravar o álbum), trabalhou com Mamonas Assassinas, gravando seu primeiro CD. Encantado com o sucesso do disco e da parceria entre Mamonas Assassinas e Rick Bonadio (que incluíram no repertório "Sábado de Sol", da Baba Cósmica) decidiu produzir o primeiro disco da banda de seu filho. Rick Bonadio aceitou trabalhar com a Baba Cósmica, e lançou com eles em 1996 o álbum "Gororoba", que não teve o mesmo impacto que "Mamonas Assassinas", mas que é tão bom e divertido quanto. Em meados de 1997, a banda passou por mudanças em sua formação, e Rafael assumiu os vocais. Gravaram ainda um segundo álbum, entitulado "O Que Você Quiser", que não repetiu o sucesso do primeiro, e foi com ele e sua turnê que a Baba Cósmica encerrou suas atividades. [Creditos: decadasdesom]
Formed in 1994 and influenced hardcore , the band Baba Cosmic produced his songs with humorous lyrics that agitassem that listen . Had their training in three teenagers , aged 16 to 18 years : Peter Knoedt - guitar, vocals ; Felipe Knoblich - low ; Rafael Ramos - drums . For two years pretty much just rehearsed and recorded demo tapes , besides being present in small venues . Until it appeared on their way to Brazilian Beatlemania 90s : Snuff . Dinho and co. took a demo tape to EMI . John Augustus, artistic director of the label and the father of Raphael (who listened to the tape and begged her father to record the album ) , worked with Snuff , recording his first CD. Delighted with the success of the disc and the partnership between Snuff and Rick Bonadio ( who included in the repertoire "Saturday Sun" from Cosmic Baba ) decided to produce the first record of their child's band. Rick Bonadio agreed to work with the Cosmic Baba , and in 1996 they launched with the album " slop " , which did not have the same impact as " Snuff " but that is as good and as fun . In mid-1997 , the band went through lineup changes , and Raphael took over the vocals . Still recorded a second album , entitled " What You Want " , which did not repeat the success of the first , and went with him and his tour that Baba Cosmic ended its activities . [Credits : decadasdesom ]
Total Time: 31 min
FAMÍLIA LIMA - Gira o Mundo
Bitrate 320 kpbs
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Família Lima é um grupo brasileiro de música erudita, misturada ao pop, rock e jazz do Rio Grande do Sul, formado por Lucas Lima (voz, viola, violão, guitarra e flauta transversal). Amon Lima (violino acústico e elétrico), Moisés Lima (violoncelo e baixo elétrico), Allen Lima (teclados e escaleta) e José Carlos Lima (voz, violino, violão e guitarra). A dedicação de José Carlos Lima, pai de Lucas, Amon e Moiséss que deu início a esse sonho. Zeca começou a levar seus filhos em apresentações que ele fazia a pedidos dos contratantes. Dessa forma, nascia ali um quarteto. Depois um grupo chamado Lima’s Family in Concert, juntando ao grupo, o primo Allen. Contudo, o início oficial desta história se deu em 1994, nas terras gaúchas, mais precisamente na pequena localidade de Morro Reuter, onde aconteceu a primeira apresentação do grupo com o nome Família Lima. A banda estourou em 1994, quando lançou a música “Primeiro Amor”. Antes disso já fazia pequenos shows em que misturavam o som dos violinos com apresentações de mágica nos palcos. [Fonte: lastfm]
Family Lima is a Brazilian group of classical music, mixed with pop, rock and jazz from Rio Grande do Sul, formed by Lucas Lima (voice, viola, guitar, guitar and flute). Amon Lima (acoustic and electric violin), Moses Lima (cello and electric bass), Allen Lima (keyboards and melodica) and José Carlos Lima (voice, violin, guitar and guitar). The dedication of José Carlos Lima, father of Luke and Ammon Moiséss that started this dream. Zeca began to take their children in presentations he made to requests from contractors. Thus, there was born a quartet. After a group called Lima's Family in Concert, joining the group, the cousin Allen. However, the official start of this story took place in 1994, the gaucho lands, specifically the small town of Morro Reuter, where the first presentation of the group named Family Lima. The band broke out in 1994, when he released the song "First Love". Before that was already small gigs where the sound of violins mixed with magic shows on stage. [Source: lastfm]
Total Time: 54 min
1 de novembro de 2021
Bitrate 256 kbps
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Bitrate 256 kbps
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Deep Blue Something é uma banda estadunidense de rock, mais conhecida pela música “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” O grupo foi formado em 1993, em Denton, Texas, pelos Estudantes Todd e Toby Pipes, Clay Bergus e John Kirtland. Bergus deixou a banda antes de Tiffany’s virar um sucesso e foi substituido pelo guitarrista Kirk Tatom, que fora substituido pelo primeiro logo depois. Originalmente, o grupo se chamava Leper Messiah, mas decidiu mudar de nome depois que percebeu que o antigo atraia muitos fãs de heavy metal, provavelmente pela música da banda Metallica, que tem o mesmo nome. [Fonte: lastfm]
Deep Blue Something is an American rock band, best known for the song "Breakfast at Tiffany's." The group was formed in 1993 in Denton, Texas, by students Todd and Toby Pipes, Clay Bergus and John Kirtland. Bergus left the band before Tiffany's become a success and was replaced by guitarist Kirk Tatom, who was replaced by the first soon after. Originally, the group was called Leper Messiah, but decided to change the name after realizing that the former attracts many heavy metal fans, probably the music of Metallica, which has the same name. [Source: lastfm]
Total Time: 65 min
DIBOB - A Ópera do Cafajeste
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A banda começou em torno de 2003, Os músicos deixaram de ser parte de uma banda que vendia EP em lojas de surf e fazia a própria divulgação através da Internet e profissionalizaram-se, gravando seu primeiro disco, O Fantástico Mundo Dibob. Com destaque em rádios de todo o país, o Dibob tocou em palcos de grandes festivais, viveu diversas experiências profissionais e, claro, pessoais também. Daí o motivo de tanta inspiração, Três anos depois da estréia discográfica, os músicos, aparecem cheios de novas idéias em seu segundo disco, A Ópera do Cafajeste, lançado agora pela Som Livre. Se no primeiro trabalho a banda falava sobre relacionamentos, no segundo eles vão mais longe, contando histórias de um único, porém turbulento romance. Em 2009, Dedeco, um dos vocalistas, decidiu sair da banda, para seguir carreira universitária. Em 2010 lançam o álbum Resgate, apenas com covers de músicas que foram sucesso nas décadas de 80 e 90. [Fonte: lastfm]
The band started around 2003 musicians ceased to be part of a band that EP sold in surf shops and made the disclosure itself through the Internet and professionalized, recording his first album, Fantastic World Dibob. Prominently on radio stations around the country, Dibob played on stages of major festivals, lived several professional experiences and, of course, also personal. Hence the reason for so much inspiration, Three years after the debut record, the musicians, appear full of new ideas in his second album, The Opera boor, now released by Som Livre. If the first work the band spoke about relationships, in the second they go further, telling stories with a unique but turbulent romance. In 2009, Dedeco, one of the vocalists, decided to leave the band to pursue a university career. In 2010 released their album Redemption, only with covers of songs that were successful in the 80s and 90s [Source: lastfm].
The band started around 2003 musicians ceased to be part of a band that EP sold in surf shops and made the disclosure itself through the Internet and professionalized, recording his first album, Fantastic World Dibob. Prominently on radio stations around the country, Dibob played on stages of major festivals, lived several professional experiences and, of course, also personal. Hence the reason for so much inspiration, Three years after the debut record, the musicians, appear full of new ideas in his second album, The Opera boor, now released by Som Livre. If the first work the band spoke about relationships, in the second they go further, telling stories with a unique but turbulent romance. In 2009, Dedeco, one of the vocalists, decided to leave the band to pursue a university career. In 2010 released their album Redemption, only with covers of songs that were successful in the 80s and 90s [Source: lastfm].
Total Time: 37 min
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