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9 de outubro de 2021
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Kenny Wayne Shepherd - natural de Shreveport, Louisiana, EUA - é um guitarrista, cantor e escritor de blues. Shepherd estudou na Caddo Magnet High School em Shreveport, Louisiana. Autodidata, começou a tocar guitarra aos 7 anos aprendendo ‘licks’ de Muddy Waters ouvindo a coleção de discos de seu pai. Aos 13 anos foi convidado ao palco pelo ‘bluesman’ de Nova Orleans, Bryan Lee. Depois de provar suas habilidades, decidiu seguir a carreira de músico. Fez algumas fitas ‘demo’ e um filme com 2 câmeras de sua primeira performance no Festival de Red River Revel Arts em Shreveport. Com esse material ele conseguiu assinar contrato com uma grande gravadora. Desde cedo, Kenny era muito ligado ao seu pai, Ken Sr., da National Artists Management em Los Angeles, que era parte de uma agência de marketing musical norte americana. Shepherd colocou seis ‘singles’ na lista dos 10 melhores e detêm o recorde do álbum que mais tempo figurou na lista da Billboard Blues, “Trouble Is…” Shepherd já foi indicado a quatro prêmios Grammy, recebeu dois prêmios da Billboard Music, dois prêmios Orville Gibson. Em 2008 a Fender lançou a série de guitarras Stratocasters assinadas e criadas exclusivamente por Kenny Wayne Shepherd. A carreira de Shepherd torna-o um dos melhores representantes do blues. [Fonte:wikipedia]
Kenny Wayne Shepherd - a native of Shreveport, Louisiana, USA - is a guitarist, singer and writer of blues. Shepherd studied at Caddo Magnet High School in Shreveport, Louisiana. Self-taught, he began playing guitar at age 7 learning 'licks' of listening to Muddy Waters record collection of his father. At age 13 he was invited on stage by 'bluesman' New Orleans, Bryan Lee After proving his abilities, he decided to pursue a career as a musician. He made some tapes 'demo' and a film with 2 cameras its first performance at the Festival of Red River Revel Arts in Shreveport. With this material he got signed to a major label. From an early age, Kenny was very attached to his father, Ken Sr., National Artists Management in Los Angeles, which was part of a marketing agency americana music. Shepherd put six 'singles' in the top 10 and holds the record album that longer figured in the list of Billboard Blues, "Trouble Is ..." Shepherd has been nominated for four Grammy awards, received two Billboard Music Awards, two awards Orville Gibson. In 2008, Fender released a series of signed guitars and Stratocasters created exclusively by Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Shepherd's career makes him one of the best representatives of the blues. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 57 min
8 de outubro de 2021
7 de outubro de 2021
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Começou sua carreira artística na década de 1930, em São Paulo, quando passou a acompanhar cantores populares de então: Januário de Oliveira, Paraguaçu e Arnaldo Pescuma. Em 1937, foi chamado para trabalhar no conjunto Regional da Rádio Difusora paulista, como violonista e solista de cavaquinho e bandolim. Na mesma época, integrou o conjunto vocal Grupo X, que concorria com o Bando da Lua. Compôs sua primeira música em 1939, uma valsa intitulada "Você", que nunca foi gravada. Em 1940, foi convidado pelo também multiinstrumentista Garoto para trabalhar em seu regional no Rio de Janeiro. Com o Regional de Garoto, atuou no Cassino Copacabana, na Rádio Clube do Brasil, na Rádio Mayrink Veiga e ainda gravou alguns discos. Em 1944, gravou seu primeiro disco solo, tocando guitarra havaiana interpretando os fox-troptes "Deep in the heart of Texas", de Don Swander e June Herchey e "Jingle, jangle, jungle", de J. L. Lilley e F. Loesser. Em 1951, criou o grupo Poli e seu ritmo com o qual gravou tocando guitarra havaiana na Todamérica o beguine "Begin the beguine", de Cole Porter e o fox-trot "Cavaleiros do céu", de Stan Jones. Em 1970, gravou o LP "Sertão em festa", com solos de guitarra havaiana nas músicas "Tristeza do Jeca", de Angelino de Oliveira e "Vai chorando, coração", de Amarilda e Brás Baccarin, além de tocar viola caipira em diversas composições. Gravou, no mesmo ano, outro elepê homenageando os grandes instrumentistas de cordas do Brasil, Canhoto, Jacob do Bandolim e outros. Jacob, por seu turno, fez elogios ao instrumentista na época do lançamento desse disco. [Fonte: dicionariocravialbin (condensado)]
He began his artistic career in the 1930s in São Paulo, when he started to accompany popular singers of the time: Gennaro de Oliveira, Arnaldo and Paraguassu Pescuma. In 1937, he was called to work together in the Regional Radio Broadcast of São Paulo, as a guitarist and soloist ukulele and mandolin. At the same time, he joined the vocal ensemble group X, which competed with the Bando da Lua. He composed his first song in 1939, a waltz entitled "You", which was never recorded. In 1940, he was invited by fellow multi-instrumentalist Boy to work on their regional in Rio de Janeiro. With the Regional Boy, served on Copacabana Casino, in the Radio Club of Brazil, on Radio Mayrink Veiga and even recorded some albums. In 1944, he recorded his first solo album, playing ukulele playing the fox-troptes "Deep in the heart of Texas", Don Swander and June Herchey and "Jingle, jangle, jungle", JL Lilley and F. Loesser. In 1951, he created the Poly Group and rhythm with which he recorded playing ukulele in Todamérica the beguine "Begin the beguine" by Cole Porter and the fox-trot "Knights of the Sky" by Stan Jones. In 1970, he recorded the LP "Backwoods partying" with Hawaiian guitar solos on the songs "Sorrow of Jeca" Angelino de Oliveira and "Go crying heart," Baccarin of Amarilda and Brás, as well as playing viola in various compositions. Recorded in the same year, another LP paying homage to the great string players of Brazil, Left, Jacob's Mandolin and others. Jacob, in turn, gave praise to the operator at the time of release of this disc. [Source: dicionariocravialbin (condensed)]
He began his artistic career in the 1930s in São Paulo, when he started to accompany popular singers of the time: Gennaro de Oliveira, Arnaldo and Paraguassu Pescuma. In 1937, he was called to work together in the Regional Radio Broadcast of São Paulo, as a guitarist and soloist ukulele and mandolin. At the same time, he joined the vocal ensemble group X, which competed with the Bando da Lua. He composed his first song in 1939, a waltz entitled "You", which was never recorded. In 1940, he was invited by fellow multi-instrumentalist Boy to work on their regional in Rio de Janeiro. With the Regional Boy, served on Copacabana Casino, in the Radio Club of Brazil, on Radio Mayrink Veiga and even recorded some albums. In 1944, he recorded his first solo album, playing ukulele playing the fox-troptes "Deep in the heart of Texas", Don Swander and June Herchey and "Jingle, jangle, jungle", JL Lilley and F. Loesser. In 1951, he created the Poly Group and rhythm with which he recorded playing ukulele in Todamérica the beguine "Begin the beguine" by Cole Porter and the fox-trot "Knights of the Sky" by Stan Jones. In 1970, he recorded the LP "Backwoods partying" with Hawaiian guitar solos on the songs "Sorrow of Jeca" Angelino de Oliveira and "Go crying heart," Baccarin of Amarilda and Brás, as well as playing viola in various compositions. Recorded in the same year, another LP paying homage to the great string players of Brazil, Left, Jacob's Mandolin and others. Jacob, in turn, gave praise to the operator at the time of release of this disc. [Source: dicionariocravialbin (condensed)]
Total Time: 29 min
5 de outubro de 2021
DIO - Killing The Dragon
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Ronnie James Dio nome artístico de Ronald James Padavona foi um músico e compositor de heavy metal norte-americano, famoso como vocalista das bandas Rainbow e Black Sabbath. Assumiu o nome de “DIO” em homenagem a seus familiares italianos. Cantou e tocou baixo na sua primeira banda mais importante, Elf (onde gravou 3 álbuns). Outras bandas no seu início de carreira foram: Vegas Kings (formado por colegas da sua escola) que mais tarde mudou o seu nome para Ronnie and the Rumbles e depois deste, para Ronnie and The Redcaps. Tocavam em bailes universitários etc. Mais uma vez mudam o nome da banda para Ronnie Dio and The Prophets. Mudaram o nome mais vezes, The Eletric Elves, depois para The Elves e finalmente ELF. Foi chamado para cantar no Rainbow de Ritchie Blackmore ex-Deep Purple, onde gravou quatro álbuns. Após deixar o Rainbow, foi convidado pelo guitarrista Tony Iommy para integrar o posto de vocalista no Black Sabbath. Gravou ao todo três álbuns e mais um após sua volta à banda em 1992. Saiu do Black Sabbath em 1983 devido a problemas de ego e uma “suposta” sabotagem na mixagem final de Live Evil (ao vivo do Sabbath). A tradicional sonoridade do Sabbath com a acentuação da linha de baixo, se ouvia nitidamente mais fraca, enquanto o vocal de Dio era mais “alto”.Contudo, as divergências musicais, bem como a promoção do vocalista com seu projeto solo, podem ter contribuído para a decisão de Dio abandonar o Black Sabbath. No mesmo ano após sua saída do Black Sabbath, ou seja, 1983, lança aquele que para muitos é um dos melhores discos de heavy metal de todos os tempos, Holy Diver. Nele estão Vinny Appice que também tinha saído do Sabbath e acompanhou Dio, seu antigo companheiro de Rainbow Jimmy Bain e o excelente guitarrista Vivian Campbell (atual Def Leppard). Holy Diver foi aceito em grandes proporções e deixou clássicos como a faixa-título, Stand Up and Shout, Don’t Talk to Strangers e a mais famosa Rainbow in the Dark. Embalado com o sucesso atingido logo de cara, Dio lança mais um álbum em 1984 chamado The Last in Line, que lançou vários clássicos como a faixa-título, We Rock, Egypt (The Chains Are On), etc. Dio era mesmo um fanático em duendes, dragões, magos, reis, rainhas e arco-íris, lança Secread Heart em 1985. Um belíssimo trabalho que continuava a sustentar a banda como uma das melhores dentro do gênero. Em 1992 Dio volta ao Black Sabbath e grava mais um álbum chamado Dehumanizer, mas alguns problemas acabaram com a reunião da banda. Em 2003, sai seu primeiro DVD oficial, “Evil Or Divine”. O último trabalho de estúdio de Dio, “Master Of The Moon”, é lançado em 2004. Em 2007 reuniu-se com os antigos companheiros de Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler e Vinny Appice, para excursionarem na turnê de promoção da coletânea “Black Sabbath - The Dio Years”. Ronnie James Dio morreu às 7:45 da manhã (horário local) de 16 de maio de 2010 vítima de câncer no estômago [Fonte: wikipedia/wishplash]
Ronnie James Dio stage name Ronald James Padavona was a musician and songwriter of American heavy, famous as the lead singer of the metal bands Rainbow and Black Sabbath. Assumed the name of "DIO" in honor of his Italian family. Sang and played bass in his first major band, Elf (where he recorded 3 albums). Other bands in his early career were: Vegas Kings (formed by colleagues in your school) which later changed its name to Ronnie and the Rumbles and after this, Ronnie and The Redcaps. Played at college dances etc.. Again change the band name to Ronnie Dio and The Prophets. Changed the name more times, The Electric Elves, then to The Elves and finally Elf. Was called to sing at Rainbow Ritchie Blackmore ex-Deep Purple, where he recorded four albums. After leaving Rainbow, was invited by guitarist Tony Iommi to integrate the post of lead singer in Black Sabbath. Recorded a total of three albums and one after his return to the band in 1992. Came out of Black Sabbath in 1983 due to ego problems and a "supposed" sabotage the final mixing of Live Evil (Live Sabbath). The traditional sound of the Sabbath with the accentuation of the bass line, was heard distinctly weaker, while the vocals of Dio was more "high." However, musical differences as well as the promotion of the singer with his solo project, may have contributed to the decision to abandon the Dio Black Sabbath. In the same year after leaving Black Sabbath, ie, 1983, he launches what for many is one of the best Heavy Metal album of all time, Holy Diver. Vinny Appice are in it who had also left the Sabbath and Dio accompanied his former teammate Jimmy Bain of Rainbow and excellent guitarist Vivian Campbell (Def Leppard current). Holy Diver was accepted in large proportions and left classics like the title track, Stand Up and Shout, Do not Talk to Strangers and more famous Rainbow in the Dark. Packed with some measure of success right away, Dio releases another album in 1984 called The Last in Line, which released several classics like the title track, We Rock, Egypt (The Chains Are On), etc.. Dio was even a fanatical elves, dragons, wizards, kings, queens and rainbow throws Secread Heart in 1985. A wonderful work that continued to support the band as one of the best in the genre. In 1992 Dio back to Black Sabbath and record another album called Dehumanizer, but some problems are over with the band meeting. In 2003, leaves his first official DVD, "Evil Or Divine". The last studio album from Dio "Master Of The Moon", was released in 2004. During 2007 met with former fellow Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Vinny Appice, excursionarem for the promotional tour of the collection "Black Sabbath - The Dio Years". Ronnie James Dio died at 7:45 am (local time) of May 16, 2010 victim of stomach cancer [Source: wikipedia / wishplash]
Ronnie James Dio stage name Ronald James Padavona was a musician and songwriter of American heavy, famous as the lead singer of the metal bands Rainbow and Black Sabbath. Assumed the name of "DIO" in honor of his Italian family. Sang and played bass in his first major band, Elf (where he recorded 3 albums). Other bands in his early career were: Vegas Kings (formed by colleagues in your school) which later changed its name to Ronnie and the Rumbles and after this, Ronnie and The Redcaps. Played at college dances etc.. Again change the band name to Ronnie Dio and The Prophets. Changed the name more times, The Electric Elves, then to The Elves and finally Elf. Was called to sing at Rainbow Ritchie Blackmore ex-Deep Purple, where he recorded four albums. After leaving Rainbow, was invited by guitarist Tony Iommi to integrate the post of lead singer in Black Sabbath. Recorded a total of three albums and one after his return to the band in 1992. Came out of Black Sabbath in 1983 due to ego problems and a "supposed" sabotage the final mixing of Live Evil (Live Sabbath). The traditional sound of the Sabbath with the accentuation of the bass line, was heard distinctly weaker, while the vocals of Dio was more "high." However, musical differences as well as the promotion of the singer with his solo project, may have contributed to the decision to abandon the Dio Black Sabbath. In the same year after leaving Black Sabbath, ie, 1983, he launches what for many is one of the best Heavy Metal album of all time, Holy Diver. Vinny Appice are in it who had also left the Sabbath and Dio accompanied his former teammate Jimmy Bain of Rainbow and excellent guitarist Vivian Campbell (Def Leppard current). Holy Diver was accepted in large proportions and left classics like the title track, Stand Up and Shout, Do not Talk to Strangers and more famous Rainbow in the Dark. Packed with some measure of success right away, Dio releases another album in 1984 called The Last in Line, which released several classics like the title track, We Rock, Egypt (The Chains Are On), etc.. Dio was even a fanatical elves, dragons, wizards, kings, queens and rainbow throws Secread Heart in 1985. A wonderful work that continued to support the band as one of the best in the genre. In 1992 Dio back to Black Sabbath and record another album called Dehumanizer, but some problems are over with the band meeting. In 2003, leaves his first official DVD, "Evil Or Divine". The last studio album from Dio "Master Of The Moon", was released in 2004. During 2007 met with former fellow Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler and Vinny Appice, excursionarem for the promotional tour of the collection "Black Sabbath - The Dio Years". Ronnie James Dio died at 7:45 am (local time) of May 16, 2010 victim of stomach cancer [Source: wikipedia / wishplash]
Total Time: 46 min
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