
10 de junho de 2021

DUFF McKAGAN - Believe In Me

Bitrate 256 kbps
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Michael Andrew McKagan, conhecido como Duff McKagan, ou ainda, Duff "Rose" McKagan é um baixista estadunidense, ex-integrante dos Guns N' Roses. Sua maior influência é Sid Vicious, do Sex Pistols. Teve contato com o baixo a primeira vez por influência de seu irmão mais velho, Bruce. Duff é o filho mais novo do casal Elmer e Alice Marie McKagan. Duff descreve Seattle como “uma grande cidade do Rock N' Roll com um hip no cenário underground”. Duff tocou, ao todo, em 31 bandas no underground de Seattle, incluindo bandas como Ten Minute Warning e uma banda de hard-core punk chamada The Fartz (os peidos). Aos 19 anos se mudou para o sul da Califórnia onde conheceu Slash e Steven Adler formando a banda Road Crew. A banda se separou mas eles manteriam o contato, o que originaria posteriormente o convite de Duff para os dois ingressarem no Guns N' Roses. [Fonte: lastfm]

Michael Andrew McKagan, known as Duff McKagan, or Duff "Rose" McKagan is an American bassist, former member of Guns N 'Roses. His biggest influence is Sid Vicious, the Pistols Fri. We had contact with the bass the first time under the influence of his older brother, Bruce. Duff is the younger son of the couple Elmer and Alice Marie McKagan. Seattle Duff describes as "a big city of Rock N 'Roll with a hip in the underground scene." Duff played, in total, 31 bands in the Seattle underground, including bands like Ten Minute Warning and a hard-core punk band called The Fartz (farts). At 19 he moved to Southern California where he met Slash and Steven Adler forming the band Road Crew. The band broke up but they keep the contact, which later would originate the Duff's invitation to the two join the Guns N 'Roses. [Source: lastfm]

Total Time: 45 min


[Popular Brazilian Music]
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 50 min

MARIA MARACHOWSKA - Emotions [Siberian Blues]

Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 52 min

LVPERCALIA - The Sublimation of Darkness

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Total Time: 33 min

JOSEPH BECKFORD - Are U Ready? [Recommended]

Bitrate 256 kbps
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Joseph Beckford é um cantor e trombonista lendário e foi backing vocal no grupo de reggae Culture. Este é o retorno do Rootsman.Joseph conhece o seu reggae. Ele estava por perto quando Lee "Scratch" Perry, Robbie Shakespeare, Leroy Sibbles (Heptones) e Aston "Familyman" Barret eram novos no negócio. No momento em que o reggae nasceu estavam todos brincando e saindo juntos em vários estúdios em Kingston. Um amigo de sua mãe teve um filho chamado Joseph Hill, e os dois usavam ​​para improvisar e praticar juntos muito antes de Joseph Hill tornar-se membro da banda Culture, tocando trombone e cantando backing vocals. Joseph é conhecido como um homem humilde, que canta e improvisa com grande paixão e alegria. Ao longo dos anos ele ganhou experiência no jazz e blues, bem como soul e música gospel. Joseph tem mesmo improvisado punk-rock e parece encontrar uma melodia por quase nada. No ano de 2001 Beckford grava seu primeiro álbum solo ´´Are U Ready?´´ Em 2004 Joseph Blue Grant grava o álbum Bright mornings, excelente disco, onde mostrou temas como Make Me Shine ,Queen Of My Kingdom ,Troddin To Zion ,Dreadlocks Man , Behold ,4th World ,Good To Me ,Buzz Rock , Nobody Knows You , Bright Mornings , Rasta Wants Peace , Behold (In Roots) , Make It Dubby e 4th World Dub... [Créditos: reggaespotlights]

Joseph Beckford is a legendary singer and trombonist and was backing vocalist in reggae group Culture. This is the return of Rootsman.Joseph knows his reggae. He was around when Lee "Scratch" Perry, Robbie Shakespeare, Leroy Sibbles (Heptones) and Aston "Familyman" Barrett were new in the business. The moment that reggae was born were all playing and hanging out at various studios in Kingston. A friend of his mother had a son named Joseph Hill, and the two used to improvise and practice together long before Joseph Hill become a member of the band Culture, playing trombone and singing backing vocals. Joseph is known as a humble man who sings and improvises with great passion and joy. Over the years he gained experience in jazz and blues, and soul and gospel music. Joseph has even improvised punk-rock and seems to find a melody for next to nothing. In 2001 Beckford recorded his first solo album''Are U Ready?'' In 2004 Joseph Blue Grant writes the album Bright mornings, great drive, which showed topics such as Make Me Shine, Queen Of My Kingdom, Troddin To Zion, Dreadlocks Man, Behold, 4th World, Good To Me, Buzz Rock, Nobody Knows You, Bright Mornings, Rasta Wants Peace, Behold (in Roots), Make It Dubby and 4th World Dub ... [Credits: reggaespotlights]

Total Time: 48 min

DANTE BOWE - Son of a Father

Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 51 min

DJAVAN - Alumbramento

[Popular Brazilian Music]
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 33 min

MASTERBOY - Generation Of Love

Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 54min

6 de junho de 2021

MARIANA DE MORAES - Se é Pecado Sambar

Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Neta de Vinicius de Moraes. Filha do fotógrafo Pedro de Moraes e da modelo e atriz Vera Barreto Leite. Desde bem menina, já realizava brincadeiras musicais, para as quais arregimentava uma platéia ilustre, formada pelos artistas que freqüentavam sua casa, como Gal Costa e Caetano Veloso, entre outros. Nessa época, era levada pela cantora baiana para assistir aos seus shows e aprendia com Caetano vários sambas de décadas anteriores. Em 1974, contando apenas cinco anos de idade, participou, como atriz, do filme “Anchieta José do Brasil”, de Paulo César Sarraceni. De 1976 a 1980, morou em Paris, onde participou de uma montagem de “Pastoril”, obra do folclore brasileiro, e atuou, aos oito anos de idade, em um show realizado no Olympia por Vinicius de Moraes, que a chamava de “parceirinha”. O poeta sempre a instigou a cantar e lhe presenteou com um gravador para que registrasse suas canções. Aos 11 anos de idade, já de volta ao Brasil, iniciou seus estudos musicais e participou do filme “Luz del Fuego” (1980), de David Neves, protagonizado por Lucélia Santos. Na adolescência estudou piano com Luiz Eça e técnica vocal com Vera Canto e Mello e Eduardo Álvares. Compôs, com Éricsom e Marcio Menezes, a canção “Boca de ouro”, incluída na trilha sonora da peça homônima de Nélson Rodrigues, encenada no Teatro Oficina (SP), com direção de José Celso Martinez Corrêa. [Fonte: lastfm]

Granddaughter of Vinicius de Moraes. Photographer daughter Pedro de Moraes and model and actress Vera Barreto Leite. Since good girl, she was already carrying out musical games, for which arregimentava an illustrious audience, formed by the artists who frequented his house, as Gal Costa and Caetano Veloso, among others. At that time, he was taken by Bahian singer to watch your shows and learned from Caetano several sambas from previous decades. In 1974, with only five years old, participated as an actress, the film "José Anchieta in Brazil," Paulo César Sarraceni. From 1976 to 1980 he lived in Paris, where he participated in an assembly of "Pastoral" of Brazilian folklore work, and acted, at eight years old, in a show held in Olympia by Vinicius de Moraes, who called her "parceirinha ". The poet always urged to sing and presented him with a tape recorder to register his songs. At 11 years old, already back in Brazil, he began his musical studies and participated in the movie "Luz del Fuego" (1980), David Neves, starring Lucélia Santos. As a teenager he studied piano with Luiz Eca and vocal technique with Vera Canto e Mello and Eduardo Alvares. Composed with Éricsom and Marcio Menezes, the "golden-mouthed" song included on the soundtrack of the homonymous piece of Nélson Rodrigues, staged at the Theatre Workshop (SP), directed by José Celso Martinez Corrêa. [Source: lastfm]

Total Time: 54 min

DUQUE BECK - Duque Beck

Bitrate: 256 kbps 
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Total Time: 49 min


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Total Time: 43 min

DAUPHIN - Prodigal Songs for the End of Days

Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 55 min

4 de junho de 2021

VIPER - Evolution

Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 47 min


Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 64 min

RAIMUNDOS - Lavô Tá Novo

Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 36 min

ROBERT CRAY - I Was Warned

Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 50  min


[Popular Brazilian Music]
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Total Time: 48 min