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4 de abril de 2021
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16 de março de 2021
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Foghat é uma banda de rock britânica que teve o auge de seu sucesso na segunda metade da década de 1970. Seu estilo pode ser descrito como blues-rock, dominados por guitarras e guitarras slide. A banda conseguiu cinco discos de ouro, e conseguiu se manter popular durante a era da música disco; a popularidade do grupo, no entanto, entrou em declínio no início dos anos 80. A banda contava inicialmente com Dave Peverett ("Lonesome Dave") na guitarra e vocal, Tony Stevens no baixo e Roger Earl na bateria. Após os três saírem do Savoy Brown em dezembro de 1970, Rod Price foi chamado para a guitarra e a guitarra slide, e o Foghat foi formado oficialmente em janeiro de 1971. Seu álbum de 1972, Foghat, foi produzido por Dave Edmunds, e tinha um cover de "I Just Want to Make Love to You", de Willie Dixon, que foi muito tocada nas estações de rádio FM da época. O segundo álbum da banda, também chamado Foghat, chegou a obter um disco de ouro. O álbum seguinte, Energized, saiu em 1974, seguido por Rock and Roll Outlaws e Fool for the City em 1975, ano em que Stevens abandonou a banda, após se opor ao ritmo incessante das turnês, e foi substituído temporariamente por Craig MacGregor. Ainda com McGregor, o grupo produziu Night Shift em 1976, um álbum ao vivo em 1977, e Stone Blue em 1978, todos obtendo igualmente discos de ouro. Fool for the City continha o sucesso "Slow Ride", que chegou ao 20º lugar das paradas americanas, porém as maiores vendagens da banda foram registradas com Foghat Live, o álbum ao vivo, que ultrapassou a cifra de duas milhões de cópias...[Fonte:wikipedia]
Foghat is a British rock band that had the height of their success in the second half of the 1970s. Their style can be described as blues rock, dominated by guitars and slide guitars. The band got five gold albums, and managed to remain popular during the era of disco; the popularity of the group, however, declined in the early 80s. band initially had Dave Peverett ("Lonesome Dave") on guitar and vocals, Tony Stevens on bass, and Roger Earl on drums. After the three leave the Savoy Brown in December 1970, Rod Price was called for guitar and slide guitar, and the Foghat was officially formed in January 1971. Their 1972 album, Foghat, was produced by Dave Edmunds, and had a cover of "I Just Want to Make Love to you" by Willie Dixon, who was much played on FM radio stations of the time. The band's second album, also called Foghat, came to get a gold record. The following album, Energized, came out in 1974, followed by Rock and Roll Outlaws and Fool for the City in 1975, Stevens left the band after opposing the relentless pace of touring, and was temporarily replaced by Craig MacGregor. Still McGregor, the group produced Night Shift in 1976, a live album in 1977, and in 1978 Blue Stone, also getting all gold records. Fool for the City contained the hit "Slow Ride", which reached the 20th place of the U.S. charts, but the highest sales figures were recorded with the band Foghat Live, the live album, which exceeded the figure of two million copies ... [Source: wikipedia]
Foghat is a British rock band that had the height of their success in the second half of the 1970s. Their style can be described as blues rock, dominated by guitars and slide guitars. The band got five gold albums, and managed to remain popular during the era of disco; the popularity of the group, however, declined in the early 80s. band initially had Dave Peverett ("Lonesome Dave") on guitar and vocals, Tony Stevens on bass, and Roger Earl on drums. After the three leave the Savoy Brown in December 1970, Rod Price was called for guitar and slide guitar, and the Foghat was officially formed in January 1971. Their 1972 album, Foghat, was produced by Dave Edmunds, and had a cover of "I Just Want to Make Love to you" by Willie Dixon, who was much played on FM radio stations of the time. The band's second album, also called Foghat, came to get a gold record. The following album, Energized, came out in 1974, followed by Rock and Roll Outlaws and Fool for the City in 1975, Stevens left the band after opposing the relentless pace of touring, and was temporarily replaced by Craig MacGregor. Still McGregor, the group produced Night Shift in 1976, a live album in 1977, and in 1978 Blue Stone, also getting all gold records. Fool for the City contained the hit "Slow Ride", which reached the 20th place of the U.S. charts, but the highest sales figures were recorded with the band Foghat Live, the live album, which exceeded the figure of two million copies ... [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 64 min
15 de março de 2021
13 de março de 2021
11 de março de 2021
10 de março de 2021
7 de março de 2021
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Tudo começou em Recife, no ano de 1997. A percussionista Karina Buhr convidou a cantora Renata Mattar para formar um grupo só com mulheres tendo como base as vozes e a percussão. As percussionistas Virgínia Barbosa, Cristina Barbosa e Neide Alves se juntaram à dupla, mas essa união durou pouco tempo e foi com a segunda formação que a banda começou a fazer shows maiores. Fizeram parte da segunda formação Telma César, Alessandra Leão e Isaar de França. Pouco antes da gravação de “Comadre Florzinha”, primeiro CD da banda, Maria Helena Sampaio passou a integrar o grupo. Logo após a gravação essa formação se desfez e Karina, Isaar e Alessandra deram continuidade ao trabalho, prosseguindo depois apenas Karina e Isaar, trabalhando com músicos convidados. Seguiu-se também a mudança da escrita do nome pra Comadre “Fulozinha”. Alguns anos se passaram, nesse tempo: uma turnê internacional, trabalhos com Antônio Nóbrega e José Celso Martinez Corrêa (a peça “Bacantes” em 2001 e “Os Sertões-ATerra” em 2002/2003) e participações em diversas trilhas de filmes, peças teatrais e CDs de várias bandas. Nesse tempo também Isaar integrou a Orchestra Santa Massa, que acompanhava Dj Dolores e Karina a banda Bonsucesso Samba Clube. Desde 2000 a dupla ministra uma oficina de percussão para crianças e adolescentes no bairro do Poço da Panela, em Recife. Dessa oficina saiu Kássia Pajeú, que hoje participa de todos os shows da banda. Os outros músicos que acompanham a banda hoje são Moema Macêdo no cavaquinho, bandolim e vocais, Hilda Brandão na percussão fina e vocais e o saxofonista Gilberto Pontes. O segundo CD, intitulado Tocar na Banda foi lançado em novembro de 2003. [Creditos: entrecantos]
It all started in Recife , in 1997 . The percussionist Karina Buhr invited the singer Renata Mattar to form an all-girl group based on the voices and percussion . The percussionists Virginia Barbosa , Cristina Barbosa and Metin Alves joined the duo, but this union did not last long and was the second formation the band started doing bigger shows . It was included in training Telma Caesar, Alessandra Leon and Izhar France. Shortly before the recording of " Bedpan Blossom " , the band's first CD , Maria Helena Sampaio joined the group. Soon after recording this training apart and Karina , Izhar and Alessandra have continued to work , continuing only after Karina and Izhar , working with guest musicians . Also followed the change of the written name for Comadre " Fulozinha " . Some years passed , this time: an international tour , work with Antonio Nóbrega and José Celso Martinez Corrêa (piece " Bacchae " in 2001 and " The Barrens The earth - " in 2002/ 2003) and participation in various film scores , pieces theatrical and CDs of various bands . At that time also Izhar joined the Orchestra Santa Massa , who accompanied Dj Dolores and Karina band Bonsucesso Samba Club . Since 2000 the duo teaches percussion workshop for children and adolescents in the Pit of Pan district of Recife . This workshop came Kassia Pajeú , now participates in all band concerts . The other musicians accompanying the band are now in Moema Macêdo ukulele , mandolin and vocals, Hilda Brandão in fine vocal percussion and saxophonist Gilberto Pontes. The second CD , titled Tapping the Band was released in November 2003. [Credits : entrecantos ]
It all started in Recife , in 1997 . The percussionist Karina Buhr invited the singer Renata Mattar to form an all-girl group based on the voices and percussion . The percussionists Virginia Barbosa , Cristina Barbosa and Metin Alves joined the duo, but this union did not last long and was the second formation the band started doing bigger shows . It was included in training Telma Caesar, Alessandra Leon and Izhar France. Shortly before the recording of " Bedpan Blossom " , the band's first CD , Maria Helena Sampaio joined the group. Soon after recording this training apart and Karina , Izhar and Alessandra have continued to work , continuing only after Karina and Izhar , working with guest musicians . Also followed the change of the written name for Comadre " Fulozinha " . Some years passed , this time: an international tour , work with Antonio Nóbrega and José Celso Martinez Corrêa (piece " Bacchae " in 2001 and " The Barrens The earth - " in 2002/ 2003) and participation in various film scores , pieces theatrical and CDs of various bands . At that time also Izhar joined the Orchestra Santa Massa , who accompanied Dj Dolores and Karina band Bonsucesso Samba Club . Since 2000 the duo teaches percussion workshop for children and adolescents in the Pit of Pan district of Recife . This workshop came Kassia Pajeú , now participates in all band concerts . The other musicians accompanying the band are now in Moema Macêdo ukulele , mandolin and vocals, Hilda Brandão in fine vocal percussion and saxophonist Gilberto Pontes. The second CD , titled Tapping the Band was released in November 2003. [Credits : entrecantos ]
Total Time: 40 min
5 de março de 2021
3 de março de 2021
2 de março de 2021
28 de fevereiro de 2021
24 de fevereiro de 2021
Bitrate 256 kbps
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Indecent Obsession foi uma banda pop australiana, formada em 1987, em Brisbane. A banda alcançou o sucesso com o single "Say Goodbye" alcançar Top 10 em agosto de 1989. Na Austrália, o grupo foi comercializado como um ato pop adolescente, que era uma imagem dos membros da banda se ressentiu, pois eles acreditavam que o seu impacto negativo nas rádios e minar a sua credibilidade como músicos. A banda foi muito popular e que teve uma turnê muito bem sucedida na África do Sul em 1992. Richard Hennassey substituiu David Dixon como vocalista do grupo, e Graham Andrew Kearns substituído Coyne como guitarrista no álbum de 1994 Relativity. Os singles "Lady Rains", "One Bad Dream" e "Fixing A Broken Heart" (com cantora japonesa Mari Hamada) recebeu grande aceitação do público. A versão original da banda, da balada acústica "Fixing a Broken Heart" se tornou um hit muito popular no Sudeste da Ásia, especialmente nas Filipinas. [Fonte: wikipedia].
Indecent Obsession was an Australian pop band, formed in 1987 in Brisbane. The band achieved success with the single "Say Goodbye" reaching Top 10 in August 1989. In Australia, the group was marketed as a teen pop act, it was an image of the band members resented because they believed their negative impact on radio and undermine their credibility as musicians. The band was very popular and had a very successful tour in South Africa in 1992. Richard Hennassey replaced David Dixon as lead singer of the group, and Graham Kearns Andrew Coyne replaced as guitarist in 1994 album Relativity. The singles "Lady Rains," "One Bad Dream" and "Fixing A Broken Heart" (with Japanese singer Mari Hamada) received wide public acceptance. The original version of the band's acoustic ballad "Fixing a Broken Heart" became a hit very popular in Southeast Asia, especially the Philippines. [Source: wikipedia].
23 de fevereiro de 2021
GRUPO PIRRAÇA - Grupo Pirraça
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Grupo formado originalmente por Zé Carlos (voz), Ernani (cavaco e voz), Vanderlei (pandeiro e voz), Evandro Lima (violão), Ueré (tantã), Ricardo (surdo), Adilson Barbado (voz) e Jorginho China (pandeiro e voz) em 1987, na Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, amigos que tocavam nas rodas de samba do Bloco Carnavalesco Leão de Nova Iguaçu, hoje escola de samba. Começou a carreira abrindo e acompanhando shows de Zeca Pagodinho, Jovelina Pérola Negra e Jorge Aragão. Em 1989, gravou o primeiro disco, "Força maior", a convite do produtor Milton Manhães. Deste primeiro LP, destacaram-se as músicas "Sentimento de posse", "Samba no quintal" e "Outro caminho". O quarto LP, lançado em 1994, "Me leva pra casa", contou com as músicas "O que é que eu vou fazer?", "Aquela paixão" e a faixa-título "Me leva pra casa". No ano seguinte lançou o CD "Tentação", disco que fez mais sucesso do que os anteriores, despontou com a faixa "Demorou para abalar", que literalmente caiu na boca do povo. Ainda deste disco, destacaram-se as faixas "Chega mais", "Começo feliz", "Jeito provocador", Rei pornô e "Vivendo emoções". Depois do sexto disco "Ao som de amor" saíram Adilson Barbado e Jorginho do Pandeiro e entraram Ueré e Vanderlei.
Group originally formed by Zé Carlos (voice), Ernani (chip and voice), Vanderlei (tambourine and vocals), Evandro Lima (guitar), Uerê (gong), Ricardo (deaf), Adilson Barbados (voice) and Jorginho China (tambourine and voice) in 1987, in the Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, friends who played in samba circles of Carnival Lion Block of Nova Iguaçu, today samba school. He began his career opening and watching shows Zeca Pagodinho, Jovelina Black Pearl and Jorge Aragon. In 1989, he recorded his first album, "Force majeure" at the invitation of Milton Manhães producer. This first LP, the songs stood out "possession of Feeling", "Samba in the yard" and "Another way". The fourth LP, released in 1994, "Take me home," featured the songs "What am I going to do?" "That passion" and the title track "Take me home." The following year he released the CD "Temptation", an album that was more successful than the previous ones, appeared with the band "took to shake", which literally fell on everyone's lips. Although this disc, stood out the tracks "No more", "Beginning happy," "provocative Way" porn king and "Living emotions." After the sixth album "At the sound of love" came out Adilson Barbados and Jorginho do Pandeiro and entered Uerê and Vanderlei.
Total Time: 48 min
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