Sejam bem vindos os amantes da música! Aqui você encontra dezenas de gêneros musicais pra curtir à vontade! Escolha seu artista e/ou banda favoritos e baixe (download) o álbum de sua preferência. VISITE E SEJA UM SEGUIDOR! Opção musical é isso!
22 de outubro de 2019
19 de outubro de 2019
18 de outubro de 2019
17 de outubro de 2019
13 de outubro de 2019
ALMIR SATER - 7 Sinais
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Natural do Mato Grosso do Sul, tocava violão desde criança, mas só foi descobrir a viola caipira - instrumento que o celebrizou - no Rio de Janeiro, aonde foi estudar Direito. Desistiu de ser advogado e foi ter aulas com o violeiro Tião Carreiro. Mais tarde voltou para Campo Grande e formou a dupla Lupe e Lampião. Em 1979 foi para São Paulo e passou a acompanhar cantoras como Tetê Espínola e Diana Pequeno, além de integrar o show " Vozes & Violas". Seu primeiro disco, "Almir Sater", saiu pela Continental em 1981, sendo logo seguido por "Doma", pela RGE. Três anos depois montou a Comitiva Esperança, que viajou pelo pantanal mato-grossense pesquisando a música e os costumes da região. Depois de lançar outros discos e abrir o Free Jazz Festival de 1989, Sater atuou na novela "Pantanal", da TV Manchete, que o projetou nacionalmente, junto com sua música. Em seguida, continuou como ator, estrelando "Ana Raio e Zé Trovão", da mesma emissora. Afastou-se das novelas para se dedicar mais à música, lançando "Terra de Sonhos" em 1994, mas dois anos mais tarde voltou a atuar em "O Rei do Gado", da TV Globo. Almir Sater volta à cena em 2006, com o CD “Um Violeiro toca”, um resumo de seus 25 anos de carreira. Destaque para a música-título do disco "Um Violeiro Toca" e o sucesso "Tocando em Frente". [Creditos: cliquemusic]
Natural Mato Grosso do Sul, played the guitar since childhood , but was only discover the viola - an instrument that made him famous - in Rio de Janeiro , where he was studying law . Quit being a lawyer and has been taking lessons with guitarist Tiao Carreiro . Later returned to Campo Grande and formed the duo Lupe and Lantern . In 1979 he went to São Paulo and has accompanied singers like Tetê Espinola and Diana Small , besides integrating the show " Voices & Guitars " . Their first album , " Almir Sater " left by Continental in 1981 , and soon followed by " Doma " , by RGE . Three years later, the entourage rode Hope , who traveled the Mato Grosso Pantanal researching music and customs. After releasing other records and open the Free Jazz Festival 1989 Sater starred in the soap opera " Pantanal " , the TV Headline, projected that nationally , along with his music . Then continued as an actor , starring in " Hannah Ray and Joe Thunder " , the same station . He walked away from novels to devote more to music , releasing " Land of Dreams " in 1994 , but two years later returned to acting in " The Cattle King " of TV Globo . Almir Sater back on the scene in 2006 with the CD " A Violeiro play " , a summary of his 25 -year career . Stand for the title song of the album " A Touch Violeiro " and success " Playing in front ." [Credits : cliquemusic ]
Total Time: 36 min
11 de outubro de 2019
10 de outubro de 2019
9 de outubro de 2019
OLODUM - Roma Negra
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A Banda Olodum foi criada para animar os foliões do carnaval baiano e, em 1987, entrou no mercado musical com o lançamento de seu primeiro álbum Egito Madagascar, disco consagrado pelo sucesso da musica “Faraó”. Este LP foi importante para despertar para o Pelourinho o olhar de personalidades da música mundial, fascinadas pelo ritmo do Olodum. Paul Simon foi o primeiro a incluir o Olodum na música e no clipe “The Obvious Child” em 1990. Muitas outras personalidades da musica mundial, como Michael Jackson, Jimmy Cliff e Ziggy Marley, também identificaram na Banda Olodum um novo cenário na história da música, e tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer o samba –reggae criado pelo Maestro Neguinho do Samba. Atuando por conta própria, ou em parceria com grandes astros da musica internacional, nos tornamos mundialmente famosos por conquistar com o Samba-Reggae, platéias exigentes e numerosas como a do show no Central park com Paul Simon (750 mil pessoas), ou ainda como no carnaval de North Hill Gate (dois milhões de pessoas, na Inglaterra), cativados por uma musicalidade provocante e diferenciada. Composta por 19 músicos (10 percussionistas, 03 cantores e 06 músicos de harmonia), a musica do Olodum já esteve em 35 países do mundo, em milhares de cidades, sempre levando alegria, e alto astral para mais de 20 milhões de pessoas em toda sua carreira. É também um importante instrumento na luta contra o preconceito e discriminação e através do seu exemplo de sucesso, valoriza e incentiva a auto-estima do povo negro e suas comunidades. É o exemplo de um Brasil que dá certo e é positivo. Com um DVD, onze CDs gravados no Brasil, 04 no exterior, e mais de 05 milhões de cópias vendidas, o Olodum é uma banda de grandes sucessos que a cada ano se integram a um novo show para percorrer o Brasil e o mundo. Em 2009 apresentamos ao mundo o show “Povo das Estrelas”. Será a nossa celebração pelos 30 anos de Samba-Reggae, através de canções como Faraó, Protesto do Olodum, Rosa, Dogons, Requebra, I miss Her, Guia Olodum, entre outros grandes sucessos compõem junto com as canções inéditas e de grandes artistas brasileiros, um show contagiante, atual e sempre contemporâneo. [Fonte: lastfm]
The band Olodum was created to encourage the revelers of the Bahian carnival and in 1987 entered the music business with the release of their first album Egypt Madagascar, disk consecrated by the success of the song "Pharaoh". This LP was important to wake up to the Pelourinho the look of personalities of the music world, fascinated by the rhythm of Olodum. Paul Simon was the first to include the Olodum in music and video "The Obvious Child" in 1990. Many other personalities of world music such as Michael Jackson, Jimmy Cliff and Ziggy Marley, also identified in Banda Olodum a new stage in the history of music, and had the opportunity to meet the -reggae samba created by Maestro Neguinho Samba. Acting on their own, or in partnership with major stars of international music, became world famous for winning with Samba-Reggae, demanding audiences and numerous as the show in Central Park with Paul Simon (750 thousand people), or as the carnival of North Hill Gate (two million people in England), captivated by a provocative and distinctive musicality. Composed of 19 musicians (10 percussionists, 03 singers and 06 harmony of musicians), the music of Olodum has been to 35 countries worldwide, in thousands of cities, always bringing joy and high spirits to over 20 million people across your career. It is also an important tool in the fight against prejudice and discrimination and through his example of success, values and encourages self-esteem of black people and their communities. It is the example of a Brazil that works and is positive. With a DVD, eleven CDs recorded in Brazil, 04 abroad, and more than 05 million copies sold, Olodum is a band of big hits every year integrate with a new show go to Brazil and the world. In 2009 we present to the world the show "Star People". It will be our celebration of the 30 years of Samba-Reggae, through songs like Pharaoh, Olodum protest, Pink, Dogon, Requebra, I miss Her, Olodum Guide, among other great successes make up along with new songs and great Brazilian artists , an infectious show, now and always contemporary. [Source: lastfm]
Total Time: 56 min
8 de outubro de 2019
7 de outubro de 2019
5 de outubro de 2019
4 de outubro de 2019
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Babybird é uma banda britânica formada em 1995 e liderada por Stephen Jones, que também tem álbuns solos lançados usando seu próprio nome. Jones começou a escrever canções e gravar demos caserias como parte de um grupo de teatro experimental em Sheffield. Uma coleção dessas demos, I Was Born a Man, foi lançada em julho de 1995, sob o nome de Babybird. Ele recrutou uma banda composta por Huw Chadbourn (teclados), Robert Gregory (percussão), John Pedder (baixo) e Luke Scott (guitarra), a fim de fazer uma tour para promover seu trabalho. Durante 1995, mais dois álbuns demos foram lançados sob o nome de Babybird (Bad Shave e Fatherhood) e mais dois em 1996 (The Happiest Man Alive e Dying Happy). Babybird assinaram com a Echo Records (uma divisão da Chysalis Group), e o primeiro single autêntico, a banda completa gravou “Goodnight”, que havia aparecido na demo Fatherhood, foi lançada em julho de 1996, se tornando um pequeno hit nos charts britânicos (UK Singles Chart). O segundo single do grupo, “You’re Gorgeous”, alcançou o terceiro lugar no Reino Unido em Outubro de 1996, e foi um dos maiores sucessos de venda naquele ano, entrando nos charts ao redor do mundo. Contudo, foi apresentada ao público uma face mais comercial comparada aos trabalhos anteriores de Stephen Jones, assim como em comparação ao resto do material do álbum Ugly Beautiful. O álbum ainda teve mais dois hits “Candy Girl” e “Cornershop”. Babybird voltou, sem o tecladista Huw Chadbourn, em 1998 com There’s Something Going On, seguido do single “Bad Old Man”. O álbum teve um sucesso modesto e foi seguido de hits menores, “If You’ll Be Mine” e “Back Together”. Em 2000, um line-up formato por Jones, Scott e Matt Hay criou o terceiro álbum. Bugged. As vendas foram pobres e os dois singles dele, “The F-Word” (mais tarde seria o tema de Gordon Ramsay’s, programa britânico de culinária de mesmo nome) e “Out of Sight”, mal entraram nos charts. Babybird deixaram sua gravadora logo depois. Um terceiro single do album “Fireflies” / “Getaway” foi lançado pela Animal Noise, mas vendeu poucas cópias. A banda consequentemente se separou... [Fonte:wikipedia]
Babybird is a British band formed in 1995 and led by Stephen Jones, who also have solo albums released under their own name. Jones started writing songs and recording home demos as part of an experimental theater group in Sheffield. A collection of these demos, I Was Born a Man, was released in July 1995 under the name Babybird. He recruited a band composed of Huw Chadbourn (keyboards), Robert Gregory (percussion), John Pedder (bass) and Luke Scott (guitar), in order to take a tour to promote his work. During 1995, two more demos were released under the name Babybird (Bad Shave and Fatherhood) and two more in 1996 (The Happiest Man Alive and Dying Happy). Babybird signed with Echo Records (a division of the Chysalis Group), and the first authentic single, the full band recorded “Goodnight”, which had appeared on the Fatherhood demo, was released in July 1996, becoming a small hit on the British charts (UK Singles Chart). The group's second single, “You’re Gorgeous”, reached third place in the UK in October 1996, and was one of the biggest selling successes that year, entering the charts around the world. However, a more commercial face was presented to the public compared to Stephen Jones' previous works, as well as to the rest of the material on the album Ugly Beautiful. The album also had two more hits "Candy Girl" and "Cornershop". Babybird returned, without keyboardist Huw Chadbourn, in 1998 with There’s Something Going On, followed by the single “Bad Old Man”. The album had a modest success and was followed by minor hits, "If You’ll Be Mine" and "Back Together". In 2000, a line-up format by Jones, Scott and Matt Hay created the third album. Bugged. Sales were poor and his two singles, "The F-Word" (later to be the subject of Gordon Ramsay’s, British cooking show of the same name) and "Out of Sight", barely made it onto the charts. Babybird left their label soon after. A third single from the album "Fireflies" / "Getaway" was released by Animal Noise, but sold few copies. The band consequently split up ... [Source: wikipedia]
Babybird is a British band formed in 1995 and led by Stephen Jones, who also have solo albums released under their own name. Jones started writing songs and recording home demos as part of an experimental theater group in Sheffield. A collection of these demos, I Was Born a Man, was released in July 1995 under the name Babybird. He recruited a band composed of Huw Chadbourn (keyboards), Robert Gregory (percussion), John Pedder (bass) and Luke Scott (guitar), in order to take a tour to promote his work. During 1995, two more demos were released under the name Babybird (Bad Shave and Fatherhood) and two more in 1996 (The Happiest Man Alive and Dying Happy). Babybird signed with Echo Records (a division of the Chysalis Group), and the first authentic single, the full band recorded “Goodnight”, which had appeared on the Fatherhood demo, was released in July 1996, becoming a small hit on the British charts (UK Singles Chart). The group's second single, “You’re Gorgeous”, reached third place in the UK in October 1996, and was one of the biggest selling successes that year, entering the charts around the world. However, a more commercial face was presented to the public compared to Stephen Jones' previous works, as well as to the rest of the material on the album Ugly Beautiful. The album also had two more hits "Candy Girl" and "Cornershop". Babybird returned, without keyboardist Huw Chadbourn, in 1998 with There’s Something Going On, followed by the single “Bad Old Man”. The album had a modest success and was followed by minor hits, "If You’ll Be Mine" and "Back Together". In 2000, a line-up format by Jones, Scott and Matt Hay created the third album. Bugged. Sales were poor and his two singles, "The F-Word" (later to be the subject of Gordon Ramsay’s, British cooking show of the same name) and "Out of Sight", barely made it onto the charts. Babybird left their label soon after. A third single from the album "Fireflies" / "Getaway" was released by Animal Noise, but sold few copies. The band consequently split up ... [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 53 min
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