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Mostrando postagens com marcador Soul Music. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Soul Music. Mostrar todas as postagens
8 de janeiro de 2025
25 de dezembro de 2024
19 de dezembro de 2024
TIM MAIA - O Melhor de Tim Maia
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Sebastião Rodrigues "Tim" Maia foi um cantor, compositor, maestro, produtor musical, instrumentista e empresário brasileiro, responsável pela introdução do estilo soul na música popular brasileira e reconhecido como um dos maiores ícones da música no Brasil. Suas músicas eram marcadas pela rouquidão de sua voz, sempre grave e carregada, conquistando grande vendagem e consagrando muitos sucessos. Nasceu e cresceu na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde, durante a juventude, conviveu com Jorge Ben Jor e Erasmo Carlos. Em 1957, fundou o grupo The Sputniks, no qual cantou junto a Roberto Carlos. Em 1959, emigrou para os Estados Unidos, onde teve seus primeiros contatos com o soul, vindo a ser preso e deportado por roubo e porte de drogas. Em 1970, gravou seu primeiro disco, intitulado Tim Maia, que, rapidamente, tornou-se um sucesso com músicas como "Azul da Cor do Mar" e "Primavera". Nos três anos seguintes, lançou vários discos homônimos, fazendo sucesso com canções como "Não Quero Dinheiro (Só Quero Amar)" e "Gostava Tanto de Você". De julho de 1974 a 25 de setembro de 1975, aderiu à doutrina filosófico-religiosa conhecida como Cultura Racional, lançando, nesse período, dois discos, com destaque para "Que Beleza" e "O Caminho do Bem".[4][5] Desiludiu-se com a doutrina e voltou ao seu estilo de música anterior, lançando sucessos como "Descobridor dos Sete Mares" e "Me Dê Motivo". Muitas de suas músicas foram gravadas sob a editora Seroma e a gravadora Vitória Régia Discos, sendo um dos primeiros artistas independentes do Brasil. Ganhou o apelido de "síndico do Brasil" de seu amigo Jorge Ben Jor na música W/Brasil. Na década de 1990, diversos problemas assolaram a vida do cantor: problemas com as Organizações Globo e a saúde precária, devido ao uso constante de drogas ilícitas e ao agravamento de seu grau de obesidade. Sem condições de realizar uma apresentação no Teatro Municipal de Niterói, saiu em uma ambulância e, após duas paradas cardiorrespiratórias, faleceu em 15 de março de 1998. É amplo seu legado à história da música brasileira, e sua obra veio a influenciar diversos artistas, como seu sobrinho Ed Motta e seu filho Léo Maia (também cantores). A revista Rolling Stone Brasil classificou Tim Maia como o maior cantor brasileiro de todos os tempos, e também como o 9º maior artista da música brasileira. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Sebastião Rodrigues "Tim" Maia was a singer, songwriter, conductor, musical producer, instrumentalist and Brazilian entrepreneur, responsible for the introduction of the soul style in Brazilian popular music and recognized as one of the greatest icons of music in Brazil. His songs were marked by the hoarseness of his voice, always serious and loaded, conquering great bandage and consecrating many successes. He was born and raised in the city of Rio de Janeiro, where, during his youth, he lived with Jorge Ben Jor and Erasmo Carlos. In 1957, he founded the group The Sputniks, in which he sang with Roberto Carlos. In 1959, he emigrated to the United States, where he had his first contacts with soul, being arrested and deported by robbery and possession of drugs. In 1970, he recorded his first album, titled Tim Maia, which quickly became a hit with songs like "Sea Blue" and "Spring." Over the next three years, he released several self-titled albums, making success with songs like "Não Quero Dinheiro (Just Want to Love)" and "I Liked You So Much". From July 1974 to September 25, 1975, he adhered to the philosophical-religious doctrine known as Rational Culture, launching, during this period, two albums, with emphasis on "Que Beleza" and "O Caminho do Bem" [5]. ] He disillusioned himself with the doctrine and returned to his earlier style of music, casting hits like "Discoverer of the Seven Seas" and "Give Me Motive." Many of his songs were recorded under the Seroma label and Vitoria Régia Discos label, being one of the first independent artists in Brazil. He earned the nickname "Síndico do Brasil" from his friend Jorge Ben Jor in music W / Brasil. In the 1990s, several problems plagued the singer's life: problems with Globo Organizations and poor health due to the constant use of illicit drugs and the worsening of his degree of obesity. Unable to make a presentation at the Municipal Theater of Niterói, he left in an ambulance and, after two cardiorespiratory arrest, died on March 15, 1998. His legacy to the history of Brazilian music is broad, and his work came to influence several artists, like his nephew Ed Motta and his son Léo Maia (also singers). Rolling Stone magazine ranked Tim Maia as the greatest Brazilian singer of all time, and also as the 9th largest Brazilian music artist. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 46 min
9 de dezembro de 2024
26 de novembro de 2024
23 de novembro de 2024
CASSIANO - Imagem e Som
Bitrate 256 kbps
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Bitrate 256 kbps
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Paraibano, mudou-se cedo com a família para o Rio de Janeiro, onde aprendeu música com o pai. No início da década de 1960 fundou o conjunto Bossa Trio, mais tarde denominado Os Diagonais (c/ seu irmão Camarão, Hyldon e Amaro), grupo com o qual viajou por cidades mineiras e baianas. Em 1969, o grupo gravou pela Epic/CBS alguns compactos e um único LP "Cada um na sua", no ano de 1971, no qual o grupo incluiu "Não dá pra entender" e "Clarimunda", as duas de sua autoria. Ao lado de Tim Maia, Carlos Dafé, Banda Black Rio, Gérson King Combo e Hyldon, foi um dos precursores da soul music no Brasil. Influenciado tanto pela música negra norte-americana, particularmente Stevie Wonder e Ottis Redding, quanto por Lupicínio Rodrigues. Devido ao comportamento controverso, assim como o do amigo Tim Maia, ambos se auto-intitulavam músicos doidões. Tocou ao longo da década de 1960 na noite do Rio e de São Paulo. Só viria a se tornar conhecido em 1970, quando participou como guitarrista no primeiro disco de Tim Maia, que gravou duas composições suas em parceria com Sílvio Rochael "Eu amo você" e "Primavera", que logo se tornaram sucessos naquele ano. Em 1971, lançou pela RCA Victor seu primeiro LP solo "Imagem e som". Gravou discos solo como intérprete, alcançando sucesso com "A Lua e Eu", e em 1991 participou da gravação do songbook de Noel Rosa, pela editora Lumiar, ao lado de outros músicos. Em 1998, foi lançada pela gravadora Universal a coletânea "Velhos camaradas" (Cassiano, Tim Maia e Hyldon), disco que reuniu alguns sucessos de cada um dos artistas. [Fonte: dicionariocravoalbin]
Paraiba, soon moved with his family to Rio de Janeiro, where he studied music with his father. In the early 1960s he founded the group Bossa Trio, later called The diagonals (w / Shrimp his brother, and Hyldon Amaro), group that toured cities in Bahia and Minas Gerais. In 1969, the group recorded for Epic / CBS and some compact single LP "To Each His Own", in 1971, in which the group included "You can not understand" and "Clarimunda", both of his own. Beside Tim Maia, Carlos Dafé, Banda Black Rio, Gerson King Combo and Hyldon, was one of the pioneers of soul music in Brazil. Influenced both by black American music, particularly Ottis Redding and Stevie Wonder, as per Lupicinio '. Due to the controversial behavior, as well as the friend of Tim Maia, both called themselves stoned musicians. Rang throughout the 1960s on the night of Rio and Sao Paulo. Would only become known in 1970, when he participated as a guitarist on the first drive of Tim Maia, who recorded two of his compositions in partnership with Silvio Rochael "I love you" and "Spring", which soon became hits that year. In 1971, for RCA Victor launched his first solo LP "Picture and sound". He recorded solo albums as a performer, achieving success with "The Moon and I", and in 1991 recorded the songbook of Noel Rosa, published by Lumiar, alongside other musicians. In 1998, was released by the record label Universal compilation "Old Comrades" (Cassian, Tim Maia and Hyldon), which brought together some hard hits from each artist. [Source: dicionariocravoalbin]
Paraiba, soon moved with his family to Rio de Janeiro, where he studied music with his father. In the early 1960s he founded the group Bossa Trio, later called The diagonals (w / Shrimp his brother, and Hyldon Amaro), group that toured cities in Bahia and Minas Gerais. In 1969, the group recorded for Epic / CBS and some compact single LP "To Each His Own", in 1971, in which the group included "You can not understand" and "Clarimunda", both of his own. Beside Tim Maia, Carlos Dafé, Banda Black Rio, Gerson King Combo and Hyldon, was one of the pioneers of soul music in Brazil. Influenced both by black American music, particularly Ottis Redding and Stevie Wonder, as per Lupicinio '. Due to the controversial behavior, as well as the friend of Tim Maia, both called themselves stoned musicians. Rang throughout the 1960s on the night of Rio and Sao Paulo. Would only become known in 1970, when he participated as a guitarist on the first drive of Tim Maia, who recorded two of his compositions in partnership with Silvio Rochael "I love you" and "Spring", which soon became hits that year. In 1971, for RCA Victor launched his first solo LP "Picture and sound". He recorded solo albums as a performer, achieving success with "The Moon and I", and in 1991 recorded the songbook of Noel Rosa, published by Lumiar, alongside other musicians. In 1998, was released by the record label Universal compilation "Old Comrades" (Cassian, Tim Maia and Hyldon), which brought together some hard hits from each artist. [Source: dicionariocravoalbin]
Total Time: 36 min
8 de novembro de 2024
25 de outubro de 2024
21 de outubro de 2024
19 de outubro de 2024
16 de outubro de 2024
11 de outubro de 2024
5 de outubro de 2024
28 de setembro de 2024
ED MOTTA - Ed Motta & Conexão Japeri
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Carioca, desde pequeno ouvia música soul e funk, inclinando-se mais tarde para o rock, de que tornou-se profundo conhecedor na época. Participou como vocalista da banda Kabbalah, de hard rock, com influências de Deep Purple, Black Sabbath e outras bandas dos anos 70. Ainda na adolescência abandona os estudos para dedicar-se à música, agora fascinado pela música negra. Foi DJ e escreveu um fanzine sobre o assunto, até conhecer, em meados dos anos 80, o guitarrista Comprido, com quem mais tarde formou o Conexão Japeri, e gravou o primeiro disco, em 1988. Daí vieram os primeiros sucessos nacionais, "Vamos Dançar" e "Manuel". Logo em seguida desligou-se do grupo e partiu para a carreira solo, em que pôde desenvolver seu próprio estilo, ligado à musicalidade dos sons produzidos pela voz, mesmo sem letras, fugindo do que considera "a ditadura da letra" na música. Em 1990 morou em Nova York por um ano e lá gravou um disco com músicos americanos. Descobriu os universos da MPB e da música erudita, o acabou se refletindo na sua concepção musical. De volta ao Brasil, compôs algumas músicas em parceria com Aldir Blanc, compôs a trilha do filme "Pequeno Dicionário Amoroso" e excursionou pelo exterior. Em 1997 lançou o CD "Manual Prático para Festas, Bailes e Afins, Vol. 1", com repertório dançante, mas não se desvinculou de seu compromisso com o jazz e a música tradicional brasileira, apresentando em 2000 o show "Músicas Antigas e Algumas Inéditas". No começo do ano 2002, lança "Dwitza", o trabalho mais jazzy e introspectivo de sua carreira, diversificando como poucos sua produção musical. Em 2005, Ed Motta lança “Aystelum” no qual o artista mantém sua marca registrada: experimentação de estilos e a sofisticação harmônica. "Samba Azul", "Awunism" e "Canção em Torno Dele" são alguns dos destaques. Ed Motta se afirma de vez como um dos músicos mais criativos em atividade no Brasil. [Fonte: cliquemusic]
Carioca , from small listening soul and funk music, leaning to the rock later , that became a connoisseur at the time. Acted as lead singer of the band Kabbalah , hard rock , with influences from Deep Purple , Black Sabbath and other bands of the '70s. Still a teenager abandons his studies to devote himself to music, now fascinated by black music . DJ was and wrote a fanzine about it until I met in the mid-80s , the Long guitarist, who later formed the connection Japeri , and recorded their first album in 1988 . Then came the first national hit , " Let's Dance " and " Manuel " . Soon after, he hung himself from the group and left for a solo career in which he could develop his own style on the musicality of the sounds produced by the voice , even without lyrics, which considers fleeing " the dictatorship of the letter" in music . In 1990 lived in New York for a year and there he recorded an album with American musicians . Discovered the worlds of MPB and classical music, was reflected in his musical conception . Back in Brazil , he wrote some songs together with Anja Blanc , composed the score for the film " Little Book of Love " and toured overseas. In 1997 released the CD " Practical Handbook for Parties , Balls and Allies , Vol 1 " , with danceable repertoire , but was separated from his commitment to jazz and traditional Brazilian music, presenting the show in 2000 " Old Songs and Some Unpublished " . In early 2002 , launches " Dwitza " the more jazzy and introspective work of his career , just as diversifying its musical production. In 2005 , Ed Motta launches " Aystelum " in which the artist keeps his trademark experimentation with styles and harmonic sophistication. " Blue Samba " , " Awunism " and " Song Around Him " are some of the highlights . Ed Motta stated the time as one of the most creative musicians in activity in Brazil . [ Source : ABM ]
Carioca , from small listening soul and funk music, leaning to the rock later , that became a connoisseur at the time. Acted as lead singer of the band Kabbalah , hard rock , with influences from Deep Purple , Black Sabbath and other bands of the '70s. Still a teenager abandons his studies to devote himself to music, now fascinated by black music . DJ was and wrote a fanzine about it until I met in the mid-80s , the Long guitarist, who later formed the connection Japeri , and recorded their first album in 1988 . Then came the first national hit , " Let's Dance " and " Manuel " . Soon after, he hung himself from the group and left for a solo career in which he could develop his own style on the musicality of the sounds produced by the voice , even without lyrics, which considers fleeing " the dictatorship of the letter" in music . In 1990 lived in New York for a year and there he recorded an album with American musicians . Discovered the worlds of MPB and classical music, was reflected in his musical conception . Back in Brazil , he wrote some songs together with Anja Blanc , composed the score for the film " Little Book of Love " and toured overseas. In 1997 released the CD " Practical Handbook for Parties , Balls and Allies , Vol 1 " , with danceable repertoire , but was separated from his commitment to jazz and traditional Brazilian music, presenting the show in 2000 " Old Songs and Some Unpublished " . In early 2002 , launches " Dwitza " the more jazzy and introspective work of his career , just as diversifying its musical production. In 2005 , Ed Motta launches " Aystelum " in which the artist keeps his trademark experimentation with styles and harmonic sophistication. " Blue Samba " , " Awunism " and " Song Around Him " are some of the highlights . Ed Motta stated the time as one of the most creative musicians in activity in Brazil . [ Source : ABM ]
Total Time: 33 min
26 de setembro de 2024
14 de setembro de 2024
18 de agosto de 2024
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