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MAX ROACH - Deeds, Not Words
Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Max Roach nasceu em New Land, Carolina do Norte le cresceu num contexto musical, sendo a mãe cantora de música gospel, e começou muito jovem a tocar clarim em bandas de música. Com dez anos ele já tovava bateria em algumas bandas de música gospel. Sua primeira grande apresentação foi em Nova York aos dezasseis anos, substituindo Sonny Greer numa performance com a Duke Ellington Orchestra. Em 1942, começou a sair para os clubes de jazz da rua 52, em Manhattan. Ele foi um dos primeiros bateristas (juntamente com Kenny Clarke) a tocar o estilo bebop e atuou em bandas lideradas por Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, Coleman Hawkins, Bud Powell e Miles Davis. Roach tocou em grandes discos de Charlie Parker, incluindo a Savoy Session, em, um divisor de águas das gravações de jazz. Em 1952, diplomou-se em percussão na Manhattan school of Music e no mesmo ano fundou, com Charles Mingus, a Debut Records.Em 1954 contribuiu para a criação do estilo Hard Bop com um quinteto composto po Clifford Brown no trompete, Harold Land no saxofone tenor (substituído no ano seguinte por Sonny Rollins), Richie Powell no piano e George Morrow no contrabaixo. Após a morte de Powell e Brown num acidente rodoviário em 1956, Roach continuou a tocar em quinteto com Kenny Dorham, substituído por Booker Little (que morreria pouco depois, de uremia, com 23 anos) ao trompete, George Coleman no saxofone tenor e Ray Bryant ao piano. Com este quinteto Roach abandonou os standards “Hard Bop”, utilizando os ritmos em 3/4 e os modos de valsa, culminando, em 1957, no álbum Jazz in 3/4 time. Em 1960 compôs e gravou em parte “We Insist! Freedom Now suite”, uma suite sobre as palavras de Oscar Brown Jr. para responder ao convite de contribuir à comemoração do centenário da “proclamação de emancipação”, de Abraham Lincoln. Sua inclusão na “lista negra” da indústria fonográfica americana por parte dos anos sessenta impediu que o baterista contribuísse com a sua arte para comentar a experiência dos afroamericanos. Com o disco Drums Unlimited, composto quase exclusivamente de solos de bateria, demonstrou que a bateria é um instrumento capaz de realizar temas, variações e melodias. Essa experiência foi repetida e ampliada em 1980, quando gravou M’Boom, um álbum só de percussionistas (Ray Brooks, Joe Chambers, Omar Clay, Ray Mantilla, Warren Smith Freddie Waits, Kenyatta Abdur-Rahman, Fred King) com os quais efettuou diversos concertos nos anos seguintes. O músico obteve, ao longo de sua vida, um imenso número de premiações e homenagens. Foi um dos primeiros a receber o prêmio de “Gênio” pela Fundação MacArthur; venceu duas vezes o Grand Prix du Disque francês; foi eleito para o Hall da Fama da Sociedade Percussiva Internacinal e também para o da revista Downbeat; recebeu em Harvard o prêmio de “Jazz Master” (Mestre do Jazz); ganhou oito doutorados honoris causa, incluindo pela Universidade de Bologna, na Itália, e pela Universidade de Columbia, nos EUA. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Max Roach was born in New Land , North Carolina le grew in a musical context , with the mother singing gospel music , and started very young playing trumpet in brass bands . With ten years he has tovava drums in some bands of gospel music . His first major performance was in New York at sixteen , replacing Sonny Greer in a performance with the Duke Ellington Orchestra . In 1942 , he started out to jazz clubs of 52nd Street in Manhattan. He was one of the first drummers ( along with Kenny Clarke ) to play the bebop style and starred in led by Dizzy Gillespie , Charlie Parker , Thelonious Monk , Coleman Hawkins , Bud Powell and Miles Davis bands . Roach played on great records of Charlie Parker , including the Savoy Session in a watershed of jazz recordings . In 1952, he graduated in percussion at the Manhattan School of Music and in the same year he founded with Charles Mingus , the Records.Em Debut in 1954 contributed to the creation of the Hard Bop style with a quintet composed po Clifford Brown on trumpet , Harold Land in tenor saxophone (replaced the following year by Sonny Rollins ) , Richie Powell on piano and George Morrow on bass . After the death of Powell and Brown in a road accident in 1956 , Roach continued playing quintet with Kenny Dorham , replaced by Booker Little (who died shortly after , uremia , aged 23 ) to the trumpet , George Coleman on tenor saxophone and Ray Bryant on piano . With this quintet Roach abandoned the standard " Hard Bop " , using rhythms in 3/4 waltz and modes , culminating in 1957 on the album Jazz in 3/4 team. In 1960 he composed and recorded in part " We Insist ! Freedom Now Suite , "a suite on the words of Oscar Brown Jr. to respond to the invitation to contribute to the celebration of the centenary of the " Emancipation Proclamation "by Abraham Lincoln . Its inclusion in the " blacklist " of American music industry by Sixties prevented with drummer contributed their art to comment on the experience of African Americans. With Drums Unlimited disk , composed almost exclusively of drum solos , showed that the battery is an instrument capable of performing themes , variations and melodies . This experiment was repeated and expanded in 1980 , when he recorded M'Boom , an album only percussionists ( Ray Brooks , Joe Chambers , Omar Clay , Ray Mantilla , Warren Smith Freddie Waits, Kenyatta Abdur - Rahman , Fred King ) with which efettuou several concerts in the following years . The musician got over your life , a huge number of awards and honors. It was one of the first to receive the award for " Genius " by the MacArthur Foundation ; has twice won the Grand Prix du Disque French ; was elected to the Hall of Fame Society Internacinal percussive and also for the Downbeat magazine ; Harvard received the award for " Jazz Master " ( Master of Jazz ) ; won eight honorary doctorates , including the University of Bologna , Italy, and the University of Columbia , USA. [ Source : wikipedia ]
Max Roach was born in New Land , North Carolina le grew in a musical context , with the mother singing gospel music , and started very young playing trumpet in brass bands . With ten years he has tovava drums in some bands of gospel music . His first major performance was in New York at sixteen , replacing Sonny Greer in a performance with the Duke Ellington Orchestra . In 1942 , he started out to jazz clubs of 52nd Street in Manhattan. He was one of the first drummers ( along with Kenny Clarke ) to play the bebop style and starred in led by Dizzy Gillespie , Charlie Parker , Thelonious Monk , Coleman Hawkins , Bud Powell and Miles Davis bands . Roach played on great records of Charlie Parker , including the Savoy Session in a watershed of jazz recordings . In 1952, he graduated in percussion at the Manhattan School of Music and in the same year he founded with Charles Mingus , the Records.Em Debut in 1954 contributed to the creation of the Hard Bop style with a quintet composed po Clifford Brown on trumpet , Harold Land in tenor saxophone (replaced the following year by Sonny Rollins ) , Richie Powell on piano and George Morrow on bass . After the death of Powell and Brown in a road accident in 1956 , Roach continued playing quintet with Kenny Dorham , replaced by Booker Little (who died shortly after , uremia , aged 23 ) to the trumpet , George Coleman on tenor saxophone and Ray Bryant on piano . With this quintet Roach abandoned the standard " Hard Bop " , using rhythms in 3/4 waltz and modes , culminating in 1957 on the album Jazz in 3/4 team. In 1960 he composed and recorded in part " We Insist ! Freedom Now Suite , "a suite on the words of Oscar Brown Jr. to respond to the invitation to contribute to the celebration of the centenary of the " Emancipation Proclamation "by Abraham Lincoln . Its inclusion in the " blacklist " of American music industry by Sixties prevented with drummer contributed their art to comment on the experience of African Americans. With Drums Unlimited disk , composed almost exclusively of drum solos , showed that the battery is an instrument capable of performing themes , variations and melodies . This experiment was repeated and expanded in 1980 , when he recorded M'Boom , an album only percussionists ( Ray Brooks , Joe Chambers , Omar Clay , Ray Mantilla , Warren Smith Freddie Waits, Kenyatta Abdur - Rahman , Fred King ) with which efettuou several concerts in the following years . The musician got over your life , a huge number of awards and honors. It was one of the first to receive the award for " Genius " by the MacArthur Foundation ; has twice won the Grand Prix du Disque French ; was elected to the Hall of Fame Society Internacinal percussive and also for the Downbeat magazine ; Harvard received the award for " Jazz Master " ( Master of Jazz ) ; won eight honorary doctorates , including the University of Bologna , Italy, and the University of Columbia , USA. [ Source : wikipedia ]
Total Time: 44 min
5 de março de 2025
4 de março de 2025
3 de março de 2025
19 de fevereiro de 2025
18 de fevereiro de 2025
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