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ULVER - Blood Inside
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Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Ulver (lobos em noruegês) é uma banda norueguesa surgida em 1993 que transitou inicialmente pelo Folk Metal e Black Metal, tendo mudado drasticamente sua sonoridade com o passar dos anos, seguindo atualmente uma linha mais experimental com fortes influências de música ambiente e música de vanguarda. Formado em 1993 pelo vocalista Garm, o Ulver lançou no seu primeiro ano duas demos e em 1994 um split com o Mysticum. Para a demo Vargnatt, a banda contou com Exurtum na bateria, os guitarristas A. Reza e Grellmund e o baixista Mean. Após a saída de quase todos os membros, a nova formação que contava com Garm nos vocais, AiwarikiaR na bateria, Aismal na guitarra e Skoll no baixo, começou a gravar seu primeiro álbum de estúdio, Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler. Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler é um álbum de Black Metal com temas folclóricos, guitarra, vocais guturais e passagens melódicas acústicas com histórias de fantasia. O título Bergatt significa adotado pelas montanhas no folclore norueguês e se refere as pessoas que ao vagar pelas montanhas são atraídas pelos trolls e outras criaturas místicas. As letras do álbum são sobre uma jovem mulher sequestrada pelas montanhas. O sub-título significa um conto de 5 capítulos. Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler conta com uma melancólica canção completamente acústica chamada Een Stemme Locker. Em 1999. a banda declarou: “O Ulver não é, obviamente, uma banda de Black Metal e nem queremos ser estigmatizados como tal. Reconhecemos a relação da parte I e II da trilogia (Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler e Nattens Madrigal - Aatte Hymne til Ulven i Manden) com essa cultura, mas o estresse desses esforços foram escritos como degraus em vez de conclusões. Estamos orgulhoso de nossos instintos antigos, mas desejam comparar nossa ligação com o gênero como a serpente com Eva. Um incentivo apenas para continuar a brincadeira. Se isso te desanima completamente, por favor, tenha a cortesia de se abster de expressar observações superficiais em relação a nossa música e/ou pessoas. Nós somos tão desconhecidos para você como sempre fomos." [Fonte: wikipedia]
Ulver (wolves in noruegês) is a Norwegian band that initially emerged in 1993 transited the Folk Metal and Black Metal, has drastically changed their sound over the years, currently following a more experimental line with strong influences of ambient music and avant-garde music . Formed in 1993 by vocalist Garm, Ulver launched in the first year two demos in 1994 and a split with the Mysticum. For Vargnatt demo, the band featured Exurtum on drums, guitarists A. Reza and Grellmund and bassist Mean. After the departure of almost all members, the new lineup that featured Garm on vocals, AiwarikiaR on drums, guitar and Aismal Skoll on bass, began recording their first studio album, Bergtatt - Et i Eeventyr 5 Capitler. Bergtatt - Et i Eeventyr 5 Capitler is an album of Black Metal with folk themes, guitar, growling vocals and melodic acoustic passages with fantasy stories. The title Bergatt means adopted by the mountains on the Norwegian folklore and refers to people who roam the mountains are lured by trolls and other mythical creatures. The album's lyrics are about a young woman kidnapped by mountains. The sub-title reads a tale of five chapters. Bergtatt - Et i Eeventyr Capitler 5 has a completely melancholy acoustic song called Een Stemme Locker. In 1999 the band stated: "Ulver is obviously not a black metal band and do not want to be stigmatized as such. We acknowledge the relation of part I and II of the trilogy (Bergtatt - Et i Eeventyr 5 Capitler and Nattens Madrigal - Aatte Hymne til Ulven Manden i) with this culture, but stress these efforts were written as stepping stones rather than conclusions. We are proud of our former instincts, but wish to compare our connection to the genre as the snake with Eve. A only incentive to continue playing. If this discourages you completely, please have the courtesy to refrain from expressing superficial remarks regarding our music and / or people. . We are as unknown to you as we have always been "[Source: wikipedia]
Ulver (wolves in noruegês) is a Norwegian band that initially emerged in 1993 transited the Folk Metal and Black Metal, has drastically changed their sound over the years, currently following a more experimental line with strong influences of ambient music and avant-garde music . Formed in 1993 by vocalist Garm, Ulver launched in the first year two demos in 1994 and a split with the Mysticum. For Vargnatt demo, the band featured Exurtum on drums, guitarists A. Reza and Grellmund and bassist Mean. After the departure of almost all members, the new lineup that featured Garm on vocals, AiwarikiaR on drums, guitar and Aismal Skoll on bass, began recording their first studio album, Bergtatt - Et i Eeventyr 5 Capitler. Bergtatt - Et i Eeventyr 5 Capitler is an album of Black Metal with folk themes, guitar, growling vocals and melodic acoustic passages with fantasy stories. The title Bergatt means adopted by the mountains on the Norwegian folklore and refers to people who roam the mountains are lured by trolls and other mythical creatures. The album's lyrics are about a young woman kidnapped by mountains. The sub-title reads a tale of five chapters. Bergtatt - Et i Eeventyr Capitler 5 has a completely melancholy acoustic song called Een Stemme Locker. In 1999 the band stated: "Ulver is obviously not a black metal band and do not want to be stigmatized as such. We acknowledge the relation of part I and II of the trilogy (Bergtatt - Et i Eeventyr 5 Capitler and Nattens Madrigal - Aatte Hymne til Ulven Manden i) with this culture, but stress these efforts were written as stepping stones rather than conclusions. We are proud of our former instincts, but wish to compare our connection to the genre as the snake with Eve. A only incentive to continue playing. If this discourages you completely, please have the courtesy to refrain from expressing superficial remarks regarding our music and / or people. . We are as unknown to you as we have always been "[Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 33 min
17 de fevereiro de 2023
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