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3 de dezembro de 2024
MARJORIE ESTIANO - Marjorie Estiano
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Bitrate 256 kbps
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Marjorie Estiano é cantora e atriz. Após se formar no Curso Técnico de Artes Cênicas, em Curitiba, mudou-se para São Paulo, onde cursou as faculdades de Música, durante dois anos, e Publicidade, durante um ano. Nesse período, atuou em algumas peças de Teatro e fez comerciais de TV. Em 2003, depois de passar em um teste para cursar a Oficina de Atores da TV Globo, mudou-se para o Rio de Janeiro. Logo em seguida, passou a integrar o elenco do programa “Malhação”, interpretando a personagem Natasha, baixista do grupo musical Vagabanda, o que lhe permitiu demonstrar seu talento musical ao produtor Victor Pozas que, em parceria com Alexandre Castilho, gravou e apresentou demos da nova cantora às gravadoras. Em 2005, lançou o CD “Marjorie Estiano”, que atingiu a marca de mais de 175 mil cópias vendidas, alavancada pela faixa “Você sempre será”, a segunda música mais executada nas emissoras de Rádio do Brasil, nesse mesmo ano. Ainda em 2005, apresentou-se pelo Brasil. Ao final deste mesmo ano, lançou o DVD “Marjorie Estiano e Banda ao vivo” que, além das músicas do CD de estréia, trouxe regravações de “Miss Celie's Blues”, tema do filme “A cor púrpura”, “Até o fim” (Chico Buarque) e “This Love”. O DVD atingiu a marca de 42 mil cópias vendidas. Em 2006, integrou o elenco da novela "Páginas da vida" (Rede Globo), de Manoel Carlos, o que fez com que se tornasse conhecida em todo o país, especialmente como atriz. Nesse mesmo ano, foi contemplada com o Prêmio Multishow de Música, na categoria Cantora Revelação. [Fonte:enclopediampb]
Marjorie Fair is a singer and actress. After graduating from the Technical Course of Performing Arts, in Curitiba, moved to São Paulo, where he attended the schools of Music for two years, and Advertising, for one year. During this period, he worked on a few pieces of theater and did TV commercials. In 2003, after passing a test to attend the Workshop Actors from TV Globo, moved to Rio de Janeiro. Shortly thereafter, he joined the cast of "Workout" program, portraying the character Natasha, bassist Vagabanda musical group, which allowed him to demonstrate his musical talent to the producer Victor Pozas, in partnership with Alexandre Castilho, recorded and presented demos the new singer to record labels. In 2005, released the CD "Marjorie Fair", which peaked at more than 175 000 copies sold, leveraged by the track "You will always be" the second most played song on radio stations in Brazil that year. Also in 2005, was presented by Brazil. At the end of this year, released the DVD "Marjorie Fair and Live Band" that besides the songs on the CD debut, brought reworkings of "Miss Celie's Blues", theme from the movie "The Color Purple", "Until the End" (Chico Buarque) and "This Love". The DVD peaked at 42 000 copies sold. In 2006, he joined the cast of the soap opera "Pages of Life" (Rede Globo), Manoel Carlos, what did it become known throughout the country, especially as an actress. That same year he was awarded the Multishow Music Award in the category Singer Revelation. [Source: enclopediampb]
Marjorie Fair is a singer and actress. After graduating from the Technical Course of Performing Arts, in Curitiba, moved to São Paulo, where he attended the schools of Music for two years, and Advertising, for one year. During this period, he worked on a few pieces of theater and did TV commercials. In 2003, after passing a test to attend the Workshop Actors from TV Globo, moved to Rio de Janeiro. Shortly thereafter, he joined the cast of "Workout" program, portraying the character Natasha, bassist Vagabanda musical group, which allowed him to demonstrate his musical talent to the producer Victor Pozas, in partnership with Alexandre Castilho, recorded and presented demos the new singer to record labels. In 2005, released the CD "Marjorie Fair", which peaked at more than 175 000 copies sold, leveraged by the track "You will always be" the second most played song on radio stations in Brazil that year. Also in 2005, was presented by Brazil. At the end of this year, released the DVD "Marjorie Fair and Live Band" that besides the songs on the CD debut, brought reworkings of "Miss Celie's Blues", theme from the movie "The Color Purple", "Until the End" (Chico Buarque) and "This Love". The DVD peaked at 42 000 copies sold. In 2006, he joined the cast of the soap opera "Pages of Life" (Rede Globo), Manoel Carlos, what did it become known throughout the country, especially as an actress. That same year he was awarded the Multishow Music Award in the category Singer Revelation. [Source: enclopediampb]
Total Time: 41 min
2 de dezembro de 2024
MEGA BANTON - First Position
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Williams nasceu em Kingston, Jamaica, em 1973. Inspirado pelos gostos de Burro Banton e Buju Banton, e com um estilo áspero similar de cantar, ele alcançou sucesso internacional no início de 1990, com singles como "First position "," Decision "," In Ninja, Buju in" e "Sound Boy Killing ", que trabalha com a equipe de preto Escorpião. Ele gravou um dueto com Smart Leroy (" Mr. Want All "), em 1994 polêmica com seu single "Money First", o qual ele foi acusado de incentivar as mulheres a uma vida de prostituição. Quando Garnett Silk morreu, Banton lançou o single "Tribute to Garnett Silk", juntamente com sattalite. Em 1988, fez uma gravação com com Barrington Levy "She is mine". Em 1995, ele fez com uma grande gravadora álbum de estréia com 1.000.000 Megwatts. [Fonte: Wikipedia]
Williams was born in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1973. Inspired by the likes of Buju Banton and Burro Banton, and with a similar rough singing style, he achieved international success in the early 1990s with singles such as "First position", "Decision" "in Ninja, Buju in" and "Sound Boy Killing", working with the team of black Scorpion. He recorded a duet with Smart Leroy ("Mr. Want All") in 1994 with his controversial single "Money First", which he was accused of encouraging women to a life of prostitution. When Garnett Silk died, Banton released the single "Tribute to Garnett Silk", along with sattalite. In 1988, he made a recording with Barrington Levy "She is mine." In 1995, he made a great debut album record with 1,000,000 Megwatts. [Source: Wikipedia]
Total Time: 55 min
MARILIA PÊRA - Elas por Ela
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Bitrate: 256 kbps
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Filha dos atores Manuel Pêra e Dinorah Marzullo, Marília pisou no palco de um teatro pela primeira vez aos quatro anos de idade, ao lado dos pais, que integravam o elenco da companhia de Henriette Morineau. Dos 14 aos 21 anos atuou como bailarina e participou de musicais e revistas, entre eles, Minha Querida Lady (1962), protagonizado por Bibi Ferreira. Segundo Marília, ela passou porque os diretores estavam procurando alguém que poderia fazer acrobacias, o que era raro naquela época.[2] Outras peças como: O Teu Cabelo Não Nega (1963), biografia de Lamartine Babo, no papel de Carmen Miranda. Voltaria a viver o papel da cantora no espetáculo A Pequena Notável (1966), dirigido por Ary Fontoura; no A Tribute to Carmen Miranda no Lincoln Center, em Nova Iorque (1975), dirigido por Nelson Motta; na única apresentação A Pêra da Carmem no Canecão em 1986, em 1995 e no musical Marília Pêra canta Carmen Miranda (2005), dirigido por Maurício Sherman. A primeira aparição na televisão foi em Rosinha do Sobrado, na Rede Globo, em 1965) e, em seguida, em A Moreninha. Em 1967 fez sua primeira apresentação em um espetáculo musical, A Úlcera de Ouro, de Hélio Bloch. Marília foi a atriz que mais atuou sozinha nos palcos, conseguindo atrair o público infantil para a difícil arte do monólogo. Além de Carmen Miranda, desempenhou nas telas e no palco papéis de mulheres célebres, como Maria Callas, Dalva de Oliveira, Coco Chanel e a ex-primeira dama do Brasil Sarah Kubitschek. A estreia como diretora aconteceu em 1978, na peça A Menina e o Vento, de Maria Clara Machado. Em 1992, apresentou o musical Elas por Elas, para a TV Globo. Ao lado da cantora Simone e de Cláudia Raia tornou público o apoio ao candidato Fernando Collor de Mello, nas eleições de 1989. No carnaval de 2015, Marília foi homenageada pela Escola de Samba Mocidade Alegre, de São Paulo. Em agosto do mesmo ano, ela foi a grande homenageada do Festival de Cinema de Gramado, onde recebeu o prestigiado Troféu Oscarito. Casou-se pela primeira vez aos dezessete anos, com o músico Paulo Graça Mello, morto num acidente de carro em 1969. Aos dezoito, foi mãe do também ator Ricardo Graça Mello. Mais tarde, foi casada com o ator Paulo Villaça, seu parceiro em Fala Baixo Senão Eu Grito, e com Nelson Motta, com quem teve as filhas Esperança e Nina. Era casada, desde 1998, com o economista carioca Bruno Faria. Marília era irmã da atriz Sandra Pêra, neta da atriz Antônia Marzullo e sobrinha do ator Abel Pêra. Faleceu em seu apartamento em Ipanema, no Rio de Janeiro, no dia 5 de dezembro de 2015. Em seus últimos meses de vida, a atriz lutava contra um câncer de pulmão. Corpo da atriz foi sepultado no Cemitério de São João Batista, no Rio de Janeiro. [Fonte: wikipedia]
Daughter of actors Manuel Pear and Dinorah Marzullo, Marilia stepped on the stage of a theater for the first time at four years of age, along with the parents, who were part of the cast of Henriette Morineau company. From 14 to 21 years she worked as a dancer and participated in musical and magazines, among them, My Dear Lady (1962), starring Bibi Ferreira. According to Marilia, she went because the officers were looking for someone who could do stunts, which was rare at that time [2] Other parts such as:. The Your Hair Not Nega (1963), Biography of Lamartine Babo, in the role of Carmen Miranda. Would I live the role of the singer in the show The Bombshell (1966), directed by Ary Fontoura; in A Tribute to Carmen Miranda at Lincoln Center in New York (1975), directed by Nelson Motta; the only presentation The Pear of Carmen in Canecão in 1986, in 1995 and musical Marilia Pera sings Carmen Miranda (2005), directed by Maurice Sherman. The first appearance on television was in Rosinha do Sobrado, on Rede Globo in 1965) and then in the Moreninha. In 1967 he made his first appearance in a musical show, The Golden Ulcer, Hélio Bloch. Marilia was the actress who played more alone on stage, managing to attract younger audiences to the difficult art of the monologue. In addition to Carmen Miranda, played on screen and stage roles of famous women such as Maria Callas, Dalva de Oliveira, Coco Chanel and former first lady of Brazil Sarah Kubitschek. The debut as a director came in 1978 in the play The Girl and the Wind, Maria Clara Machado. In 1992, he presented the musical by They They, for TV Globo. Beside the singer Simone and Claudia Raia became public support for the candidate Fernando Collor de Mello in 1989. In 2015 elections carnival, Marilia was honored by the School of Samba Youth Alegre, São Paulo. In August of the same year, she was honored the great lawn Film Festival, where he received the prestigious trophy Oscarito. He married for the first time at seventeen, with musician Paulo Graça Mello, killed in a car accident in 1969. At eighteen, was also mother of actor Ricardo Graça Mello. Later, he was married to actor Paul Villaça, his partner in Speak Low Otherwise I cry, and Nelson Motta, who had the Hope and Nina daughters. She was married since 1998 with the Rio economist Bruno Faria. Marilia was the sister of actress Sandra Pêra, granddaughter of actress Antonia Marzullo and niece of actor Abel Pear. He died in his apartment in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, on 5 December 2015. In the last months of life, the actress was fighting a lung cancer. She spent the year in medical treatment, according to family members, fighting a wear on the hip bones, which made her leave from work. [9] [10] actress's body was buried in the afternoon amid great excitement and applause, the Cemetery of St. John the Baptist, in Rio de Janeiro [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 66 min
1 de dezembro de 2024
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