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31 de outubro de 2022
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Em 1969, Burning Spear, iniciava sua original carreira no Studio One com o single “Door Peep”. O nome Burning Spear foi uma homenagem a Jomo Kenyatta, primeiro presidente do Quênia (significa flecha fumegante, Burning Spear, era o nome que o líder assumiu quando lutava contra os ingleses pela independência) - o que dá o tom de seu trabalho, marcado pela militância política e rasta. Nos anos 70 fez pela Island Records alguns dos seus melhores discos: Marcus Garvey, Man in The Hills, Dry & Heavy e Social Living. Em seus show ele se entrega, se contorce, clama, chora - performance que sempre acontece durante a musica “Slavery Days”, emocionante lamento sobre a escravidão. Sua firmeza na crença rasta pode ser resumida por esta declaração: “Eu não canto para fazer ninguém crer em Selassié ou no que eu defendo. Eu canto sobre o que sei que é certo.” Spear já foi nomeado para o Grammy diversas vezes, tendo vencido uma delas com o álbum “Calling Rastafari”. Burning Spear a lenda musical não somente produziu um grande trabalho, que está entre os melhores do reggae mundial, ele excursionou também pelo mundo diversas vezes. Seus shows atraem um grande público de todas as idades, e isso vem acontecendo por cerca de 30 anos. Como um profeta musical teve sempre um foco cultural e espiritual profundo em toda sua carreira. Suas letras também fala muito no profeta Marcus Garvey, um de seus temas favoritos. Sua carreira começou em 1969 quando gravou “Door Deep” e o artista desde então continua no topo de todas as paradas e na preferência do público. Seus shows costmam levar grandes multidões e seus discos são sucessos absolutos de crítica e vendas [Fonte: surforeggae]
In 1969, Burning Spear, began his unique career at Studio One with the single "Door Peep". The name Burning Spear was a tribute to Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya's first president (means steaming arrows, Burning Spear, was the name that the leader took when he fought against the British for independence) - which sets the tone of his work, marked by political militancy and rasta. In the 70s made by Island Records some of his best albums: Marcus Garvey, Man In The Hills, Dry & Heavy and Living Social. In his show he surrenders, squirms, cries, cries - performance that always happens during the song "Slavery Days" exciting regret over slavery. His firmness in rasta belief can be summed up by this statement: "I do not sing for nobody believe Selassie or what I stand for. I sing about what I know is right. "Spear has been nominated for Grammy Awards several times, winning one with the album" Calling Rastafari ". Burning Spear music legend not only produced a great job, which is among the best in the reggae world, he also toured the world several times. Their shows attract a large audience of all ages, and this has been happening for about 30 years. As a musical prophet always had a deep cultural and spiritual focus throughout his career. His letters also talks a lot in the prophet Marcus Garvey, one of his favorite themes. His career began in 1969 when he recorded "Deep Door" and artist since then continues to top all charts and public preference. His shows costmam bring large crowds and his albums are absolute critical hits and sales [Source: surforeggae]
In 1969, Burning Spear, began his unique career at Studio One with the single "Door Peep". The name Burning Spear was a tribute to Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya's first president (means steaming arrows, Burning Spear, was the name that the leader took when he fought against the British for independence) - which sets the tone of his work, marked by political militancy and rasta. In the 70s made by Island Records some of his best albums: Marcus Garvey, Man In The Hills, Dry & Heavy and Living Social. In his show he surrenders, squirms, cries, cries - performance that always happens during the song "Slavery Days" exciting regret over slavery. His firmness in rasta belief can be summed up by this statement: "I do not sing for nobody believe Selassie or what I stand for. I sing about what I know is right. "Spear has been nominated for Grammy Awards several times, winning one with the album" Calling Rastafari ". Burning Spear music legend not only produced a great job, which is among the best in the reggae world, he also toured the world several times. Their shows attract a large audience of all ages, and this has been happening for about 30 years. As a musical prophet always had a deep cultural and spiritual focus throughout his career. His letters also talks a lot in the prophet Marcus Garvey, one of his favorite themes. His career began in 1969 when he recorded "Deep Door" and artist since then continues to top all charts and public preference. His shows costmam bring large crowds and his albums are absolute critical hits and sales [Source: surforeggae]
Total Time: 56 min
30 de outubro de 2022
29 de outubro de 2022
28 de outubro de 2022
27 de outubro de 2022
SIMPSON - Autobiography
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Ashlee Nicole Simpson cantora, compositora e atriz norte-americana, irmã da cantora pop Jessica Simpson. Lançou seu primeiro álbum, Autobiography em 2004, pela gravadora Geffen Records. O álbum foi um secesso e vendeu mais de 6 milhões de cópias no mundo. Seu segundo álbum I Am Me foi lançado apenas nos E.U.A, Europa e Japão, um ano depois em 2005, seu terceiro e, considerado pela crítica, melhor álbum Bittersweet World, em 2008. Como atriz participou da série 7th Heaven, e dos filmes Undiscovered e The Hot Chick. Em 2010, Simpson fez parte do elenco da série Melrose Place e estrelou o musical "Chicago". [Creditos: wikipedia]
Ashlee Nicole Simpson singer, songwriter and American actress, sister of pop singer Jessica Simpson. Released his first album, Autobiography in 2004 by Geffen Records. The album was a secesso and sold over 6 million copies worldwide. Her second album I Am Me was released only in the U.S., Europe and Japan, a year later in 2005, his third and considered by critics, best album Bittersweet World, in 2008. Actress As part of the series 7th Heaven, and Undiscovered films and The Hot Chick. In 2010, Simpson was part of the cast of Melrose Place series and starred in the musical "Chicago." [Credits: wikipedia]
Total Time: 48 min
26 de outubro de 2022
25 de outubro de 2022
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