21 de setembro de 2021

ROBBEN FORD AND THE BLUE LINE - Handful Of Blues [Recommended]

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Robben Ford nasceu em Ukiah, Califórnia, em 1951. Aos 13 anos de idade começou a tocar guitarra e aos 18 mudou-se para San Francisco, onde iniciou sua carreira profissional. Formou a Charles Ford Band (nome de seu pai), mas, paralelamente à banda, tocou com Charlie Musselwhite, Jimmy Witherspoon, Joni Mitchell e George Harrison. Em 1977 participou do Yellowjackets, banda de jazz-fusion, onde permaneceu até 1983, simultaneamente seguindo sua carreira solo e trabalhando como músico de estúdio. Na década de 80, Ford mergulhou no jazz, tendo excursionado com Miles Davis em 1986 e com Sadao Watanabe em 1987. Em 1992 voltou às suas raízes de blues, formando o grupo Blue Line e gravando alguns discos de blues-rock. A seguir, participou da formação da banda de fusion Jing Chi ao lado do baterista Vinnie Colaiuta e do baixista Jimmy Haslip. Com toda essa “bagagem” é fácil de imaginar que Robben Ford seja um músico versátil. Mas é, também, dono de uma técnica apurada, vigorosa e elegante, não se prendendo à estética tradicional dos estilos que toca. [Creditos: lastfm]

Robben Ford was born in Ukiah, California in 1951. At 13 years of age he started playing guitar at the age of 18 and moved to San Francisco, where he started his professional career. Formed the Charles Ford Band (his father's name), but, in parallel with the band, he played with Charlie Musselwhite, Jimmy Witherspoon, Joni Mitchell and George Harrison. In 1977 he attended the Yellowjackets, jazz-fusion band, where he remained until 1983, simultaneously pursuing his solo career and working as a studio musician. In the Decade of 80, Ford plunged in jazz, having toured with Miles Davis in 1986 and with Sadao Watanabe in 1987. In 1992 he returned to its roots of blues, forming the Blue Line Group and recording a few albums of Blues-rock. Then, he participated in the formation of the fusion band Jing Chi alongside drummer Vinnie Colaiuta and bassist Jimmy Haslip. With all this "baggage" is easy to imagine that Robben Ford is a versatile musician. But it is also owner of an accurate technique, vigorous and elegant, not holding to the traditional aesthetic of styles he touches. [Credits: lastfm]

Total Time: 56 min

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