9 de outubro de 2021


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Kenny Wayne Shepherd - natural de Shreveport, Louisiana, EUA - é um guitarrista, cantor e escritor de blues. Shepherd estudou na Caddo Magnet High School em Shreveport, Louisiana. Autodidata, começou a tocar guitarra aos 7 anos aprendendo ‘licks’ de Muddy Waters ouvindo a coleção de discos de seu pai. Aos 13 anos foi convidado ao palco pelo ‘bluesman’ de Nova Orleans, Bryan Lee. Depois de provar suas habilidades, decidiu seguir a carreira de músico. Fez algumas fitas ‘demo’ e um filme com 2 câmeras de sua primeira performance no Festival de Red River Revel Arts em Shreveport. Com esse material ele conseguiu assinar contrato com uma grande gravadora. Desde cedo, Kenny era muito ligado ao seu pai, Ken Sr., da National Artists Management em Los Angeles, que era parte de uma agência de marketing musical norte americana. Shepherd colocou seis ‘singles’ na lista dos 10 melhores e detêm o recorde do álbum que mais tempo figurou na lista da Billboard Blues, “Trouble Is…” Shepherd já foi indicado a quatro prêmios Grammy, recebeu dois prêmios da Billboard Music, dois prêmios Orville Gibson. Em 2008 a Fender lançou a série de guitarras Stratocasters assinadas e criadas exclusivamente por Kenny Wayne Shepherd. A carreira de Shepherd torna-o um dos melhores representantes do blues. [Fonte:wikipedia]

Kenny Wayne Shepherd - a native of Shreveport, Louisiana, USA - is a guitarist, singer and writer of blues. Shepherd studied at Caddo Magnet High School in Shreveport, Louisiana. Self-taught, he began playing guitar at age 7 learning 'licks' of listening to Muddy Waters record collection of his father. At age 13 he was invited on stage by 'bluesman' New Orleans, Bryan Lee After proving his abilities, he decided to pursue a career as a musician. He made some tapes 'demo' and a film with 2 cameras its first performance at the Festival of Red River Revel Arts in Shreveport. With this material he got signed to a major label. From an early age, Kenny was very attached to his father, Ken Sr., National Artists Management in Los Angeles, which was part of a marketing agency americana music. Shepherd put six 'singles' in the top 10 and holds the record album that longer figured in the list of Billboard Blues, "Trouble Is ..." Shepherd has been nominated for four Grammy awards, received two Billboard Music Awards, two awards Orville Gibson. In 2008, Fender released a series of signed guitars and Stratocasters created exclusively by Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Shepherd's career makes him one of the best representatives of the blues. [Source: wikipedia]

Total Time: 57 min

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