14 de setembro de 2021

GILLAN - Toolbox

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Ian Gillan, vocalista, ficou consagrado na banda Deep Purple, tendo participado em diversas formações da banda, incluindo a considerada clássica. No inicio de carreira foi integrante de uma banda chamada The Javelins e foi vocalista da banda The Episode Six onde tocou com o Roger Glover(baixo) antes dos mesmos entrarem para o Deep Purple. Ian Gillan foi considerado um dos melhores vocalistas do mundo na década de 1970 e participou do show ao vivo do The Butterfly Ball(projeto do Roger Glover) onde cantou a Música Sitting a Dream que foi gravada no disco pelo Ronnie James Dio sendo que por ser integrante do Rainbow na época foi impedido pelo Richie Blackmore de ir ao evento. ouco antes da volta do Deep Purple com o álbum Perfect Strangers foi integrante também do Black Sabbath, gravando o disco Born Again (onde gritou como nunca!), além de ter tido uma bem-sucedida carreira solo nas bandas Gillan e Ian Gillan Band. Participou ainda da opera rock Jesus Christ Superstar, gravando a voz de Jesus Cristo no disco original, que posteriormente gerou um musical na Broadway e um longa-metragem. [Fonte: lastfm]

an Gillan, vocalist, enshrined in the band Deep Purple, having participated in various formations of the band, including the considered classic. In career start was a member of a band called The Javelins and was lead singer of The Episode Six where he played with Roger Glover (bass) before they enter into the Deep Purple. Ian Gillan was one of the best singers in the world in the 1970s and attended the live show of The Butterfly Ball (Roger Glover design) where she sang the song Sitting a Dream that has been recorded on the disc by Ronnie James Dio being that by being member of the Rainbow at the time was prevented by Richie Blackmore to go to the event. I hear before the turn of Deep Purple with the album Perfect Strangers was also a member of Black Sabbath, recording the Born Again album (which screamed like never before!), and has had a successful solo career in Gillan and Ian Gillan Band bands. Also participated in the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, recording the voice of Jesus Christ on the original disk, which subsequently generated a Broadway musical and a feature film. [Source: lastfm]

 Total Time: 43 min

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