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24 de fevereiro de 2019
9 de fevereiro de 2019
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Banda de rock formada em Brasília em 1982 por Loro Jones, Flávio Lemos, Felipe Lemos e Bozzo Barretti, adotou um estilo que mistura rock, punk, pop e toques de new wave. O vocalista Dinho entrou em 1983, e o primeiro compacto foi lançado em 1984. No ano seguinte o grupo radicou-se em São Paulo, onde gravou mais um compacto e em seguida o primeiro LP, "Capital Inicial", de 1986, que ganhou Disco de Ouro. Alguns dos maiores sucessos da banda, como "Música Urbana" e "Fátima", compostas em parceria com Renato Russo, são desse primeiro disco. Nos três anos seguintes o Capital Inicial lançou um disco por ano. Em 1990 participou do Hollywood Rock e no ano seguinte, do Rock In Rio II. Em 1998, depois de algumas mudanças na formação, o quarteto original voltou a se reunir, e assinou contrato com a Abril Music, lançando no mesmo ano o CD "Atrás dos Olhos". Em 2000 a banda lança “Capital Inicial - Acústico MTV", e vê reconhecido o seu empenho em fazer um disco acústico de rock simples e despojado. Em 2002, o capital lança "Rosas e Vinho Tinto" e, em 2004, o CD “Gigante!”. Em 2005, a banda realiza um antigo sonho, regrava conhecidos e inéditos sucessos do Aborto Elétrico, banda punk de Brasília, formada por Renato Russo e os irmão Fê e Flávio Lemos, que originaram a Legião Urbana e o Capital Inicial. [Fonte:cliquemusic]
Rock band formed in Brasilia in 1982 by Loro Jones, Flávio Lemos Felipe Lemos and Bozzo Barretti, adopted a style that mixes rock, punk, pop and new wave touches. The vocalist Dinho came in 1983, and the first single was released in 1984. The following year the group was settled in São Paulo, where he recorded one more compact and then the first LP, "Initial Capital" of 1986 won Gold Record. Some of the greatest hits, such as "Music City" and "Fatima", composed in partnership with Renato Russo, are that first drive. Over the next three years Initial Capital released an album a year. In 1990 he participated in the Hollywood Rock and the following year, the Rock In Rio II. In 1998, after some lineup changes, the original foursome reunited, and signed to April Music, launching in the same year the album "Eye Behind". In 2000 the band released "Initial Capital - MTV Unplugged", and sees recognized its commitment to make an acoustic album of simple, stripped rock in 2002, the capital launches "Roses and Red Wine" and in 2004 the CD ". giant. "In 2005, the band realizes an old dream, rewrites known and unprecedented successes of the Electric Abortion, punk band from Brasilia, formed by Russo and He did and Flávio Lemos brother, who originated the Legion Urban and Initial Capital. [Source: ABM]
Rock band formed in Brasilia in 1982 by Loro Jones, Flávio Lemos Felipe Lemos and Bozzo Barretti, adopted a style that mixes rock, punk, pop and new wave touches. The vocalist Dinho came in 1983, and the first single was released in 1984. The following year the group was settled in São Paulo, where he recorded one more compact and then the first LP, "Initial Capital" of 1986 won Gold Record. Some of the greatest hits, such as "Music City" and "Fatima", composed in partnership with Renato Russo, are that first drive. Over the next three years Initial Capital released an album a year. In 1990 he participated in the Hollywood Rock and the following year, the Rock In Rio II. In 1998, after some lineup changes, the original foursome reunited, and signed to April Music, launching in the same year the album "Eye Behind". In 2000 the band released "Initial Capital - MTV Unplugged", and sees recognized its commitment to make an acoustic album of simple, stripped rock in 2002, the capital launches "Roses and Red Wine" and in 2004 the CD ". giant. "In 2005, the band realizes an old dream, rewrites known and unprecedented successes of the Electric Abortion, punk band from Brasilia, formed by Russo and He did and Flávio Lemos brother, who originated the Legion Urban and Initial Capital. [Source: ABM]
Total Time: 55 min
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