11 de maio de 2023

GENESIS - Trespass [Recommended]

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Banda de Rock Progressivo surgida no final dos anos 60 que tinha em sua primeira formação Tony Banks (teclados), Peter Gabriel (vocal), Anthony Phillips (guitarra) e Mike Rutherford (baixo). Formada em Godalming, Reino Unido, gravaram o primeiro disco, o “From Genesis To Revelation”, de 1969. Em 1970, no lançamento do segundo LP (Trespass), John Mayhew assumiu as baquetas, gravou o disco e logo foi substituido por Phill Collins. Outro que também saiu da banda em 1970 foi o guitarrista Anthony Phillips, sendo substituído pelo talentoso Steve Hackett, que daria assim um tom mais clássico ao Genesis. A formação lendaria do Genesis era então formada: Tony Banks, Peter Gabriel, Mike Rutherford, Steve Hackett e Phill Collins. Com essa formação, o Genesis se consagrou com o lançamento de 4 LPs: Nursery Crime (1971), Foxtrot (1972), Selling England By The Pound (1973) e o duplo The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974). Já em 1975, o Genesis ficou sem o seu vocalista Peter Gabriel, que abandonou a Banda e seguiu carreira solo. Com a sua saida, Phill Collins assume os vocais com muita competência. Em 1976, o grupo grava mais dois discos (“A Trick Of The Tail” e “Wind & Wuthering”). Em seguida, Steve Hackett também segue carreira solo. Mas o Genesis continua como trio nas gravações de estúdio. Nesta época foram lançados alguns trabalhos raros, sendo um deles um compacto lançado em 1977 com 3 faixas, intitulado “Spot The Pigeon” ainda com Hackett nas guitarras. Em 1978 lançam “And Then There Were Three”, em 1980 “Duke”, em 1981 “Abacab” e em 1983 um álbum que encerra de vez a identidade da banda, intitulado apenas de “Genesis”. É inegavel que Peter Gabriel e Steve Hackett davam ao Genesis a musicalidade que o tornou uma das maiores bandas de rock progressivo de todos os tempos, e que a banda sem eles seguiu um caminho mais “pop” e se desligou da sua belíssima trajetória inicial, onde deixou registrados na história sensacionais peças musicais e shows teatrais. [Fonte. wikipedia]

Progressive rock band that emerged in the late 60s he had in his first training Tony Banks (keyboards), Peter Gabriel (vocals), Anthony Phillips (guitar) and Mike Rutherford (bass). Formed in Godalming, UK, recorded the first disc, "From Genesis To Revelation", 1969 In 1970, the release of their second LP (Trespass), John Mayhew took the sticks, burned the disc and was soon replaced by Phill Collins. Another who also left the band in 1970 was guitarist Anthony Phillips, and was replaced by the talented Steve Hackett, who would like a more classic tone to Genesis. The legendary formation of Genesis was then formed: Tony Banks, Peter Gabriel, Mike Rutherford, Steve Hackett and Phil Collins. With this lineup, the Genesis was consecrated with the launch of four LPs: Nursery Crime (1971), Foxtrot (1972), Selling England By The Pound (1973) and the double The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974). Already in 1975, the Genesis was without their lead singer Peter Gabriel, who left the band and went solo. With his departure, Phil Collins takes the vocals with great competence. In 1976, the group recorded two more albums ("A Trick Of The Tail" and "Wind & Wuthering"). Then Steve Hackett also follows solo career. But the Genesis continues as a trio in the studio recordings. At this time some rare works, one of which were launched a compact launched in 1977 with three tracks entitled "Spot The Pigeon" still Hackett on guitars. In 1978 release "And Then There Were Three" in 1980 "Duke" in 1981 "Abacab" and in 1983 an album that closes once the identity of the band, titled simply "Genesis". It is undeniable that Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett gave the Genesis musicality that made him one of the greatest progressive rock bands of all time, and the band without them followed a path more "pop" and turned off its beautiful original trajectory, where left recorded in history sensational musicals and theatrical shows. [Source. wikipedia]

Total Time: 43 min

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