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A Banda EVA, normalmente conhecida apenas como EVA, é uma banda de axé music brasileira, Swingue e Samba-Reggae surgida em 1993, que revelou como vocalista a cantora Ivete Sangalo, em carreira solo desde 1999, Emanuelle Araujo (1999-2002) e Saulo Fernandes (2002-2013). No final da década de 1970, um grupo de amigos, integrantes do grêmio do colégio Marista de Salvador, se reunia todos os fins de semana para bater papo e cantar. Dessas reuniões, surgiu, em 1980, a idéia de formar um bloco carnavalesco de nome EVA, abreviatura de “Estrada Velha do Aeroporto”, lugar por onde o bloco passava anualmente, não tendo, portanto, ligação alguma com a alegoria bíblica de Adão e Eva. O grupo foi revelado em 1993, através da iniciativa do produtor Jonga Cunha, assinando contrato com a gravadora Sony Music, pela qual gravou seu primeiro disco em 1993. No ano seguinte, a banda se transferiu para a PolyGram, atual Universal Music Group, na qual conheceu o sucesso nacional, cujo auge se deu com o CD Banda EVA Ao Vivo, gravado e lançado em 1997. Com a saída de Ivete Sangalo, que iniciou uma carreira solo de absoluto sucesso, seu lugar foi assumido pela também cantora/atriz baiana Emanuelle Araújo, que permaneceu no grupo de 1999 a 2002, lançando dois discos. Em 2002, Emanuelle deixa a banda, dedicando-se à carreira de atriz e à sua nova banda Moinho. Seu posto é assumido por Saulo Fernandes, ex-membro da banda Chica Fé, formada junto com seu irmão Sérgio Fernandes que acabou com uma hegemonia de quase 10 anos, quando só mulheres podiam comandar a banda. No Carnaval de Salvador, a banda comanda o Bloco EVA, no Circuito Campo Grande (Osmar), e os blocos CocoBambu (pertencente ao Asa de Águia) e Nu Outro, no circuito Barra-Ondina (Dodô). A banda também chegou a comandar o bloco Cerveja & Cia, pertencente a Ivete Sangalo. [Fonte: wikipedia]
The band EVA, usually known only as EVA, is a Brazilian ax music band, swingers and Samba-Reggae emerged in 1993 as a singer revealed the singer Ivete Sangalo, solo since 1999, Emanuelle Araujo (1999-2002) and Saulo Fernandes (2002-2013). In the late 1970s, a group of friends, college sorority members Marist Salvador, met every weekend to chat and sing. These meetings came in 1980, the idea of forming a carnival group of EVA name, short for "Old Airport Road", a place where the block spent annually, having therefore any connection with the biblical allegory of Adam and Eva. The group was revealed in 1993 by the Jonga Cunha producer initiative by signing a contract with Sony Music label, for which he recorded his first album in 1993. The following year, the band moved to PolyGram, current Universal Music Group , which met the national success, peaked in with EVA CD Band Live, recorded and released in 1997. With the departure of Ivete Sangalo, who started a huge success solo career, his place was taken by the also singer / Bahia actress Emanuelle Araujo, who remained in the 1999-2002 group, releasing two albums. In 2002, Emanuelle left the band, dedicated to the acting career and his new band mill. His place is taken by Saulo Fernandes, a former member of Faith Chica band formed with his brother Sergio Fernandes that ended a hegemony of almost 10 years, when only women could lead the band. In the Salvador Carnival, the band heads the EVA block, in Campo Grande circuit (Osmar), and CocoBambu blocks (belonging to the Eagle Wing) and Nu Other, in Barra-Ondina (Dodo) circuit. The band also came to command the Beer & Cia block belonging to Ivete Sangalo. [Source: wikipedia]
The band EVA, usually known only as EVA, is a Brazilian ax music band, swingers and Samba-Reggae emerged in 1993 as a singer revealed the singer Ivete Sangalo, solo since 1999, Emanuelle Araujo (1999-2002) and Saulo Fernandes (2002-2013). In the late 1970s, a group of friends, college sorority members Marist Salvador, met every weekend to chat and sing. These meetings came in 1980, the idea of forming a carnival group of EVA name, short for "Old Airport Road", a place where the block spent annually, having therefore any connection with the biblical allegory of Adam and Eva. The group was revealed in 1993 by the Jonga Cunha producer initiative by signing a contract with Sony Music label, for which he recorded his first album in 1993. The following year, the band moved to PolyGram, current Universal Music Group , which met the national success, peaked in with EVA CD Band Live, recorded and released in 1997. With the departure of Ivete Sangalo, who started a huge success solo career, his place was taken by the also singer / Bahia actress Emanuelle Araujo, who remained in the 1999-2002 group, releasing two albums. In 2002, Emanuelle left the band, dedicated to the acting career and his new band mill. His place is taken by Saulo Fernandes, a former member of Faith Chica band formed with his brother Sergio Fernandes that ended a hegemony of almost 10 years, when only women could lead the band. In the Salvador Carnival, the band heads the EVA block, in Campo Grande circuit (Osmar), and CocoBambu blocks (belonging to the Eagle Wing) and Nu Other, in Barra-Ondina (Dodo) circuit. The band also came to command the Beer & Cia block belonging to Ivete Sangalo. [Source: wikipedia]
Total Time: 102 min
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