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Cazuza nascimento 04/04/1958 falescimento 07/07/1990.Filho do produtor fonográfico João Araújo, da Som Livre, cresceu ouvindo música, principalmente brasileira. Nos anos 70 passou uma temporada na Inglaterra, da qual voltou fã dos ídolos do rock como Janis Joplin e Led Zeppelin. Abandonou a faculdade depois de um mês de aulas e passou a ter uma vida noturna de boêmia. Depois de trabalhar algum tempo na gravadora Som Livre, foi para os Estados Unidos. Voltou em 1980 e, através do cantor Leo Jaime, passou a ser vocalista da banda de rock Barão Vermelho, que se tornou rapidamente uma das maiores da década, em parte graças às composições de Cazuza. Desligou-se do Barão Vermelho em 1985 e partiu para uma bem-sucedida carreira solo, com cinco discos lançados em quatro anos. Em 1989 tornou-se o primeiro artista brasileiro a divulgar que tinha Aids, colaborando para a campanha de conscientização sobre a doença e seus efeitos. Alguns de seus maiores sucessos foram "Ideologia", "Brasil", "Exagerado", "Burguesia" e "Faz Parte do Meu Show" Após a sua morte foi criada por sua mãe a Sociedade Viva Cazuza, de apoio às crianças portadoras do vírus HIV. Em 1990 foi lançado pela editora Lumiar o Songbook Cazuza, e em 1997 Cássia Eller gravou o CD "Veneno Antimonotonia", só com músicas de Cazuza. [Fonte: cliquemusic]
Cazuza birth 04/04/1958 falescimento 07/07/1990.Filho phonographic producer João Araújo , Som Livre , grew up listening to music, mostly Brazilian . In the 70 spent a season in England , which turned fan of rock idols such as Janis Joplin and Led Zeppelin . Dropped out of college after a month of lessons and started to have a bohemian nightlife . After working some time at the label Som Livre , came to the United States . He returned in 1980 and , through the singer Leo Sayer , became the lead singer of rock band Red Baron , which quickly became one of the greatest of the decade , thanks in part to compositions Cazuza . He left the Red Baron in 1985 and departed for a successful solo career , with five albums released in four years . In 1989 he became the first Brazilian artist to disclose that he had AIDS , contributing to the awareness campaign about the disease and its effects . Some of her biggest hits were " Ideology " , " Brazil " , " Exaggerated " , " Bourgeoisie " and " It 's My Party Show" After his death was raised by her mother Viva Cazuza Society , in support of children with the virus HIV. In 1990 he was released by the publisher Lumiar Songbook Cazuza , Cassia Eller in 1997 and recorded the album " Poison Antimonotonia " , only with songs Cazuza .
Cazuza birth 04/04/1958 falescimento 07/07/1990.Filho phonographic producer João Araújo , Som Livre , grew up listening to music, mostly Brazilian . In the 70 spent a season in England , which turned fan of rock idols such as Janis Joplin and Led Zeppelin . Dropped out of college after a month of lessons and started to have a bohemian nightlife . After working some time at the label Som Livre , came to the United States . He returned in 1980 and , through the singer Leo Sayer , became the lead singer of rock band Red Baron , which quickly became one of the greatest of the decade , thanks in part to compositions Cazuza . He left the Red Baron in 1985 and departed for a successful solo career , with five albums released in four years . In 1989 he became the first Brazilian artist to disclose that he had AIDS , contributing to the awareness campaign about the disease and its effects . Some of her biggest hits were " Ideology " , " Brazil " , " Exaggerated " , " Bourgeoisie " and " It 's My Party Show" After his death was raised by her mother Viva Cazuza Society , in support of children with the virus HIV. In 1990 he was released by the publisher Lumiar Songbook Cazuza , Cassia Eller in 1997 and recorded the album " Poison Antimonotonia " , only with songs Cazuza .
Total Time: 54 min
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