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Bitrate 320 kbps
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Vocalista e guitarrista britânico, ‘Chris Rea’ é conhecido pelo virtuosismo com que toca guitarra e por sua voz inigualável, e é claro pelas muitas e muitas canções com que se popularizou. Nascido em 1951 como Christopher Anton Rea é filho de Camillo Rea, um imigrante da Itália e Winifred, uma irlandesa. Na estrada desde o final dos anos 70 ao substituir David Coverdale numa banda chamada ‘Magdalene’, lançando-se em carreira solo a partir de 1978. Alguns de seus discos são referências em termos de qualidade sonora, denotando extremo apuro e cuidado nos elaborados arranjos, bem como na sua execução e processo de gravação propriamente dito. Ele também é considerado um virtuose em seu principal instrumento, a guitarra, com uma técnica apuradíssima. Dono de um timbre vocal inconfundível, sua voz é meio rouca, soando como um misto entre Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) e Bruce Springsteen, mas canta melhor que os dois. ‘Dancing With Strangers’, lançado em 1987, considerado um dos seus melhores trabalhos, conta com diversificados estilos: blues, rock, elementos de música celta e de sonoridades caribenhas e dançantes. No mesmo nível dos também extraordinários ‘The Road to Hell’, de 1989, e ‘Auberge’, de 1991. Em todos estão presentes ingredientes que fazem da música do Chris Rea um verdadeiro bálsamo para os nossos ouvidos: melodias cativantes e arrebatadoras, magnífica interpretação vocal e solos maravilhosos de slide guitar, além do habitual apuro e cuidado nos elaborados arranjos, na sua execução e gravação em estúdio. Na seqüência de um grave surto de pancreatite, com 50% de chance de sobrevivência após uma cirurgia em 2001, Rea prometeu que se conseguisse se recuperar, ele faria um regresso às raízes do blues. O resultado foi ‘Blue Guitarras’, uma coleção de onze CDs com 137 blues inspirados e gravados em apenas 18 meses, e visto por ele como o seu melhor trabalho. [Fonte: fanstar]
British singer and guitarist, 'Chris Rea' is known by who plays guitar with virtuosity and for his unparalleled voice and of course the many, many songs that became popular. Born in 1951 as Christopher Anton Rea is the son of Camillo Rea, an immigrant from Italy and Winifred, an Irish. On the road since the late 70s when replacing David Coverdale in a band called 'Magdalene', launching into a solo career from 1978 Some of his albums are references in terms of sound quality, denoting extreme care and refinement in elaborate arrangements as well as in its execution and recording process itself. He is also considered a virtuoso on his main instrument, the guitar, with a refined technique. Possessing an unmistakable vocal timbre, his voice is hoarse, sounding like a cross between Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) and Bruce Springsteen, but sings better than both. 'Dancing With Strangers', released in 1987, considered one of his best works, has diversified styles: blues, rock, elements of Celtic music and dancing and Caribbean sounds. Also at the same level of extraordinary 'The Road to Hell', 1989 and 'Auberge', 1991 In all ingredients present that make the music of Chris Rea a true balm for our ears are: catchy melodies and sweeping, magnificent vocal interpretation and wonderful slide guitar solos, besides the usual trouble and care in the elaborate arrangements in its execution and recording studio. In a severe bout of pancreatitis, with a 50% chance of survival after surgery in 2001 sequence, Rea promised that if he could recover, he would make a return to the roots of the blues. The result was 'Blue Guitars', a collection of eleven CDs with 137 inspired blues and recorded in just 18 months, and seen by him as his best work. [Source: FanStar]
British singer and guitarist, 'Chris Rea' is known by who plays guitar with virtuosity and for his unparalleled voice and of course the many, many songs that became popular. Born in 1951 as Christopher Anton Rea is the son of Camillo Rea, an immigrant from Italy and Winifred, an Irish. On the road since the late 70s when replacing David Coverdale in a band called 'Magdalene', launching into a solo career from 1978 Some of his albums are references in terms of sound quality, denoting extreme care and refinement in elaborate arrangements as well as in its execution and recording process itself. He is also considered a virtuoso on his main instrument, the guitar, with a refined technique. Possessing an unmistakable vocal timbre, his voice is hoarse, sounding like a cross between Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) and Bruce Springsteen, but sings better than both. 'Dancing With Strangers', released in 1987, considered one of his best works, has diversified styles: blues, rock, elements of Celtic music and dancing and Caribbean sounds. Also at the same level of extraordinary 'The Road to Hell', 1989 and 'Auberge', 1991 In all ingredients present that make the music of Chris Rea a true balm for our ears are: catchy melodies and sweeping, magnificent vocal interpretation and wonderful slide guitar solos, besides the usual trouble and care in the elaborate arrangements in its execution and recording studio. In a severe bout of pancreatitis, with a 50% chance of survival after surgery in 2001 sequence, Rea promised that if he could recover, he would make a return to the roots of the blues. The result was 'Blue Guitars', a collection of eleven CDs with 137 inspired blues and recorded in just 18 months, and seen by him as his best work. [Source: FanStar]
Total Time: 51 min
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