
7 de agosto de 2021

ACE OF BASE - Happy Nation

Bitrate 256 kbps
[cd quality]+

A história do Ace Of Base teve início quando os três irmãos Jonas, Jenny e Linn Berggren formaram uma banda chamada “Tech Noir”. Logo Jonas conheceu o Ulf Ekberg e juntos começaram a compor e produzir músicas, criando assim o Ace Of Base, uma das maiores bandas pop de todos os tempos. Após gravar uma fita demo, onde entre outras estava “All That She Wants”, eles foram para Stockholm procurar pelas grandes Gravadoras. Nenhuma delas se mostrou interessada (Jonas ainda se lembra de alguém falando que as músicas eram “Obvias demais, simples demais”) O próximo passo foi Copenhagen, onde a Mega Records imediatamente viu que eles tinham potencial e adorou o estilo pop-reggae das músicas. O primeiro single do Ace Of Base “Wheel Of Fortune”, seguido então pelo conhecidissimo hit “All That She Wants”. “The Sign” e “Don’t Turn Around” também se tornaram sucessos internacionais. A banda primeiramente teve sucesso na Dinamarca, depois Alemanha, o resto da Europa, Ásia, antes de conquistar a América. No total, o primeiro album deles, chamado “Happy Nation/The Sign”, vendeu 23 milhões de cópias e mantém a marca de “Album de Estréia Mais Vendido” no Guiness Book, além de alcançar vários Awards, como 6 WMA, 3 Billboard Awards, 3 America Music Awards, vários Grammy Awards da Europa e duas nomeações ao Grammy Americano! Isso pra mencionar uns poucos! [Fonte: wikipedia]

The story of Ace Of Base began when the three Jonas, Jenny and Linn Berggren brothers formed a band called "Tech Noir". Logo Jonas Ulf Ekberg met together and began writing and producing music, thus creating the Ace Of Base, one of the biggest pop bands of all time. After recording a demo tape, which among others was "All That She Wants", they were looking to Stockholm by big record labels. None of them showed interest (Jonas still remember someone saying that the songs were "too obvious, too simple") The next step was Copenhagen, where Mega Records immediately saw that they had potential and loved the style pop-reggae songs . The first single from Ace Of Base "Wheel Of Fortune", then followed by well recognized hit "All That She Wants". "The Sign" and "Do not Turn Around" also became international hits. The band first had success in Denmark after Germany, the rest of Europe, Asia, before conquering America. In total, their first album, called "Happy Nation / The Sign," sold 23 million copies and remains the brand of "Highest Selling Album Air" in the Guinness Book, besides achieving several awards, such as WMA 6, 3 Billboard Awards, 3 America Music Awards, several Grammy Awards and two European American Grammy nominations! That to name a few! [Source: wikipedia]

Total Time: 50 min

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