14 de agosto de 2021

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE - Evil Empire [Recommended]

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A história da banda começou por volta de 1991. A primeira apresentação dos Rage Against The Machine foi em Orange County. Em seguida o grupo gravou uma demo de 12 músicas, músicas estas que constituiram, majoritariamente, o primeiro CD da banda. Venderam 5.000 cópias da demo revertendo o lucro para o seu clube de fãs e também em vários concertos na região de Los Angeles, Califórnia. Deram dois concertos no segundo palco, Lollapalooza II em Irvine Meadows. Ali assinaram um contrato com a gravadora Epic. No fim de 1992 os Rage Against The Machine fizeram uma turnê por toda a Europa realizando concertos com os Suicidal Tendencies. Terminada a turnê, lançaram o seu primeiro álbum, denominado “Rage Against the Machine”, em 10 de Novembro de 1992. O disco vendeu mais de 3 milhões de cópias e esteve no Top 200 da Billboard durante 89 semanas. Inclui, entre outras músicas, Bullet In The Head, Bombtrack, Freedom, Wake Up (que entrou na trilha sonora do filme Matrix, anos mais tarde), e também Killing In The Name, um protesto contra o militarismo norte-americano. Devido às suas atitudes e letras, os Rage Against The Machine foram censurados e proibidos de realizar concertos em muitos estados norte-americanos. Ironicamente, a censura fez a banda crescer, o que a fez encara-la e lutar contra ela em grandes protestos. Em 1993, realizaram espectáculos em beneficiência da Anti-Nazi League e da Rock for Choice. No Lollapalooza III, desta vez no palco princm. Fizeram apenas um protesto anti-cipal, os Rage Against The Machine subiram mas não tocaram em censura contra a PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center), no qual cada membro da banda ficou de pé, nu, durante cerca de 15 minutos, cada um com uma fita preta na boca e com as letras P (Tim), M (Zack), R (Brad), e C (Tom) escritas no peito. Eles afirmaram: “Se não agirmos contra a censura, não teremos direito a ver mais bandas como os Rage!” Logo após a banda terminar em 2000 os três membros (Tom Morello, Tim Commerford e Brad Wilk) se juntaram a Chris Cornell ex-vocalista do Soundgarden e lançaram 3 albums com a banda Audioslave. Em 2007 a banda Rage Against the Machine voltou, com os membros originais, para 4 concertos ao vivo, entre eles os festivais Coachella e Rock The Bells. [Fonte: wikipedia]

The band's history began around 1991 The first performance of Rage Against The Machine was in Orange County. Then the group recorded a demo of 12 songs, these songs that constituted, mainly, the first CD. Sold 5,000 copies of the demo reversing the profit for your club fans and also in several concerts in the Los Angeles, California. Gave two concerts in the second stage, in Irvine Meadows Lollapalooza II. Ali signed a contract with Epic Records. At the end of the 1992 Rage Against The Machine toured throughout Europe performing concerts with Suicidal Tendencies. After the tour, they released their first album, called "Rage Against the Machine", on 10 November 1992 The album sold over 3 million copies and was on the Billboard Top 200 for 89 weeks. Includes, among other songs, Bullet In The Head Bombtrack, Freedom, Wake Up (which came on the soundtrack of the film The Matrix, years later), and also Killing In The Name, a protest against American militarism. Due to their attitudes and letters, Rage Against The Machine were censored and prohibited from performing concerts in many American states. Ironically, the censorship did the band grow, which made ​​her face her and fight her in large protests. In 1993, Mercy performed shows in the Anti-Nazi League and Rock for Choice. Lollapalooza III, this time in princm stage. Made only one anti-cipal protest, the Rage Against The Machine rose but did not touch censure against the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center), in which each band member stood, naked, for about 15 minutes each with a black ribbon on the mouth, and with the letters P (Tim), M (Zack), R (Brad), and C (Tom) written on his chest. They said: "If we do not act against censorship, we have no right to see more bands like Rage!" Soon after the band finished in 2000 the three members (Tom Morello, Tim Commerford and Brad Wilk) Chris Cornell joined former lead singer of Soundgarden and released three albums with the band Audioslave. In 2007, the band Rage Against the Machine returned with the original members, to 4 live concerts, including the Coachella and Rock The Bells festivals. [Source: wikipedia]

Total Time: 47min

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